you purchased my book!

Here’s some extra charting bits to say: thank you

Now that you’ve read ‘50 Things You Need To Know About Periods’ it’s time to start charting your cycle and getting to know your cycle superpowers (and yes, vulnerabilities) so I’ve got a few bits for you to get started today.

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You’ll find 4 x charts in this download.

Chart #1 is a printable inner seasons guide. This is a good one to stick on the fridge (great for sharing this information with friends and family) and use as a reference point.

Chart #2 is a 28-day cycle chart for you to follow if your cycle is about 28-ish days. If it’s a little longer or shorter, just adjust as you need. It also has space to add in the lunar phases.

Chart #3 doesn’t have cycle days allocated or lunar phases, so you can add your own in as best works for you and your cycle. This can be helpful for shorter or longer cycles.

Chart #4 is an example cycle to give you some ideas on charting.

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download your menstrual MAP

This Menstrual Map is a tool we use in my courses Radiate & Optimise.

You’ll notice there’s space to record your strengths and superpowers in each inner season, as well as your vulnerabilities and the self-care that works best for you.

You might use one Menstrual Map over a few cycles or complete it one go. You’ll notice there are no cycle days. Feel free to add yours in if you like.

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Discover the seasons of your cycle for more clarity, ease & flow.

This fun and engaging class is packed with practical how-to tips and insights that you can implement right away, whether you’re just embarking on your menstrual cycle awareness journey or you’ve been waving the period power flag for sometime! Enter your email address below and I’ll send you a link to the class. You’ll also begin to receive useful updates over email from me.

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Want more menstrual magic?

Come & take a course with me…


Please do share your cycle check-ins with me by tagging me on Instagram @_clairebaker_. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve learned about yourself in this free class!

Claire xo