Claire Baker

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2014! You've Been Rad: A Review, Gratitude, Lessons & Pics

Well, here we are! Just days away from the end of 2014. I’ll tell you what, this year has been a transformative and delightful 12 months! My life - and many a mindset - has changed both subtly and dramatically.

And put simply, I’m seriously appreciative that 2014 brought with it so much joy, because if I’m honest, 2013 was the most difficult and challenging year of my life. This year felt SO different. Not without loss and confusion and sadness, but perhaps with a little more laughter and (the big one) acceptance.

So in the spirit of honest reflection, joyful celebration and intense gratitude, I thought I’d share with you the big lessons, themes, loves and moments of my 2014.

So what has this year looked - and felt - like?

Well, it’s looked like devotion to writing/creating/serving and falling in love. A jump head first into full-time self employment, debts cleared, kms clocked up, overseas trips and further - often uncomfortable - adjustment to living 3500km away from my family. Turning 28! Weddings, funerals and births - and realising I’m ready to leave Perth.

It’s felt like…Simplicity. Creativity. Devotion. Alignment. Beauty. Loss. Love. Play! Femininity. Vulnerability. Generosity. Receiving.

It felt shit-scary at times and mind-blowingly abundant and expansive at others. It felt like putting everything I had been absorbing and learning over the few years prior, into practice. Getting dirty with my desires. Asking for it. Giving it.

2014: Let's dive in!

One of the most exciting things that happened in 2014, was getting my period back!! After 12 months of waiting, this started the year off on a HIGH.

I also kicked off the first few months of 2014 with a fair chunk of travel, which set the tone for the first 6 months of the year. Between Perth, home to Albury (and back again), up to northern NSW, Bali and trips “down south” to the Margaret River region, I truly felt one of my three words for 2014 kick in...


My adventures around the country meant I had the pleasure of witnessing two of my friends marry their soul mate and met (and smooched!) one of my oldest friend’s newborn baby boy. I celebrated my little twin sister's 21st birthdays and got to show my best friend and her man some of the most beautiful beaches in WA.

I also sadly said goodbye to my beautiful and hilarious Pa. Within just a few short weeks in March, he fell critically ill; I made the trip to see him, but arrived at the hospital just minutes after he had passed. In a way, it was perfect timing; I was there to say goodbye, without seeing him in pain, and I could support my Nanna and my Mum and be there for the funeral.

I also got to spend time with my sisters (which on a whole, was unfortunately very limited this year) and my extended family that I haven’t seen in years (always the way isn’t it - funerals are when we catch up!), plus dig my toes into the soil of the farm where my Mum was raised. A humbling week.

My second word for the year was: CREATE

And create, I did! In February I released my very first eBook ‘Get Unstuck’, which was such an immersive, cementing experience; YES, this is what I am here to do. It felt so amazing to be GENEROUS with this project by not holding back on the content AND giving it away for free.

This creative experience flicked the switch to ON and had me on a roll. I began writing my next eBook ‘She Is Radiant’, which I released in June and ‘The She Is Radiant Toolkit’ and ‘Q&A Audio Workshop’ which followed it up in October.

The thing with self expression, is that it makes tangible that which is within us. So, to create resources that not only allowed me to engage in this sacred experience of self expression, but to serve and create positive change in the lives of others AND - get this - make money?! Holy shit. Let’s just say June blew my mind.

I’m incredibly proud of these bodies of work and I feel like this is just the beginning... You can find these eBooks here

Back to EXPLORE for a minute: Let’s stop off in BALI.

Ahhhhh Bali! I feel like I’ve left more than one piece my heart on that beautiful, diverse island. Andrew and I made two trips over this year, each dripping in adventure, relaxation and LOVE. We’d both been to Bali before, but these visits saw us fall even MORE in love with the island, as we fell even more in love with each other. :) There’s a big chance that we’ll be spending a fair chunk of time there early next year and I cannot WAIT.

Which brings me to: LOVE.

So on Christmas Eve last year, I wrote ‘I’d really love to fall in love in 2014’ and let’s just say that intention was the first one 'that came true'!

Andrew and I had been seeing each other in the last few months of 2013, but I was resisting a relationship… Why? I wasn’t sure he was the guy I was looking for. I had visions of meeting some bearded, spiritual yoga dude who was like, totally aligned with this new life I was living. And Andrew just, didn’t fit that. Ha! Hilarious.

Let me say this: this man has taught me more about truth, strength, simplicity, vulnerability, communication, devotion and willingness than any tanned yogi with a man-bun ever could. Well, maybe they could. But they’re not for me. He is for me.

Our relationship has taught me what it truly means to surrender to love.

To devote yourself to another human being, without fear of losing yourself. To want to be a better person (emotionally, spiritually, physically, sexually, mentally) not only for yourself, but also for them. To support, give and encourage, without asking for anything in return. To PLAY.

Yep, he’s lightened me a little, loosened my grip on things! I finally know what it’s like to truly want to - and feel like I actually could! - spend the rest of my life with another person. Just being an observer to his own personal journey surprises, inspires and enlightens me. His masculinity has drawn out my femininity. Sexually and sensually, I’ve opened up and embraced this crucial part of me. His adoration of my body has shown me how to love myself on an even greater level. I adore him.


Which brings me to...


The years of 2012 and 2013 really felt as if I were living a double (or even triple) life.

Various jobs, identities, behaviours, focusses… This year I really let go of a lot of that. On a practical level, I finished my studies with IIN in February which freed up a lot of time and I devoted myself fully to my business in September, when I took the leap and ‘quit my day job!’ - this was definitely a highlight of 2014!

(Note: top image is a what a good day of self-employment might look like... Bottom left is a normal day!! On the bed, with the dog!) ;-)

I truly believe that the amount of fear we have around doing something, is equal to the reward once we do it. And let me tell you, I was shit scared of quitting. But, as they say, my wings appeared once I jumped and I have been supported not only financially, but also enthusiastically by the people in my life. This means a lot.

It also means everything to me, that this decision has meant that my life has felt so aligned this last quarter of the year; it’s created space for what I really want to be doing.

No more going to a job that doesn’t light up my life. Instead, I’ve fallen even more in love with coaching and writing since having more space to immerse myself in my work; this decision to simplify and DEVOTE to my craft… What a blessing!

Desiring to live an authentic life means really tuning into your values and what is of upmost importance to you - what really MEANS something, to YOU?

Stripping back, stepping out of idolisation of others and trusting my own innovative and creative nature (ie. not following the path or structures laid out by others ‘ahead’ of me) has been a BIG challenge. One that I’ve certainly not been successful at 100% of the time.

But I’m devoted (there’s that word again!) to this concept of living a life of TRUTH; one where my relationships, actions, words, thoughts, beliefs, EVERYTHING aligns with my true self. A life where I can just be me, all the time. I don’t want to betray myself anymore, ever. Not even the tiniest bit. 

I am super grateful for this huge lesson this year!


Simplicity has been an powerful force over the last few months; saying no, simple weekends (working out, beach, markets, cooking, eating and sleeping - pretty much!) and holding an ‘Essentialism Challenge’ with the girls I coach has really highlighted for me just how important it is to focus on what is essential in your life - and step away from the rest. I can only feel this energy and desire growing stronger!

And PLAY! My third word for this year. Between soul sister hangs and girly weekends, trips to Melbourne to see my best friends, my birthday, Andrew, the dog, dancing AND THE OCEAN, play made huge a comeback when the seasons shifted from immersion to rest - ie. once my eBooks were launched!

What else?

+ I continued to aim to cloak myself in compassion and kindness - to myself and to others - as much as possible. Gently, softly. The more I give this energy, the more I am shown. The more I am myself.

+ I fell in love with collaboration. Whether it was the design of my eBooks with Alana Wimmer, a ripper photo shoot (my first ever) with Hannah Jones or holding workshops with Amanda Noga, collaborating with other creative babes was a huge highlight.

+ I decided to experiment with working 4 days a week. Experiment = success!! Self care in motion. Yes, it is possible to have a a healthy business AND a healthy body. I am a much better coach/girlfriend/sister/daughter/friend, when I am rested, relaxed and have been engaging in self care and doing things I love. Win win.

+ Being lovingly mentored by the gorgeous Rachel MacDonald meant that I felt held and supported throughout the year; building a friendship and getting to hang with this mega babe (and this one and this one) in August at ProBlogger on the Gold Coast was even more brilliant!

+ I started this year with over $9000 worth of debt and I’ll finish this year with a delicious chunk of savings, for the first time in YEARS. Learning to lean into abundance and worthiness and be open to receive (and budget!) = EPIC LESSONS AND FREEDOM.

+ Oh, and this guy. Zuma. My little furball. HE HAS MY HEART.

+ Getting to know my natural cycles - ovulation, menstruation, PMS!!! - has given me a sense of connection with my body that I've never had before. And watching my cycle smooth out and slowly align with the moon cycle? Super incredible.

+ I ran REAL LIFE workshops!!Three in fact. All sold out and soul-nourishing. The afternoons were super fun, the feedback was AMAZING and again, the truth that the reward is proportional to your fear (again, was totes terrified) was cemented even further for me. Can’t wait for more of these in 2015!

+ My brother was moved from a rehabilitation hospital in Melbourne to my hometown in Albury. This has made a huge difference for my parents, who have had a pretty rough couple of years since his motorcycle accident, which resulted in a severe brain injury. Hopefully by early next year, he’ll be able to live at home with them permanently! He made some big improvements this year; more movement in his legs, increased core strength, he wrote his name a few weeks ago (!!!) AND he was a groomsmen at his best mate's wedding in November :)

+ I got around! I appeared on the cover of Raspberry Magazine, was quoted as a health expert in The Age alongside Pete Evans and was interviewed as an expert guest in the Beautiful You Coaching Academy course. #grateful

+ I switched my movement practice up and explored a few more ways of getting sweaty. This has been game-changing

+ I read a bunch of books. Some of my favourites were High: A Party Girl's Guide To Peace, Yoga For People Who Can't Be Bothered To Do it, Money: A Love Story, My Booky Wook, Women, Food & God and 50 Shades of Grey (hehe). Find them here, here, here, here, here and here (in order).

+ I started getting up at 5am. Best thing ever.

A few more quick lessons from 2014:

+ We are our desires. You already know how 'what you want' FEELS. Tune into that - now.

+ Debt doesn’t make you a bad person. Woah.

+ Sometimes, we gotta immerse. Others, we gots to chill. Tune into the seasons within you.

+ Failing does not make you a failure. Disappointment is not debilitating. 

+ Celebrating your little (and BIG!) wins along the way - before moving onto The Next Big Thing - is a must.

+ While fear might tell you that living an authentic life is risky, scary and too hard - it’s not. Alignment nurtures far more ease and abundance in your life, than switching masks and identities all day might.

+ Wearing makeup, doing my hair (and I mean actually doing it) and putting in the extra effort to bring more beauty to my physical appearance is not vain; in fact, it’s a sacred and divine act. And it leaves me feeling amazing - and more ME. 

And so here we are. Looking back and celebrating, whilst at the same time keeping our eyes (and hearts) open as we excitedly roll into a new year.

2015. It feels good, no? To be honest with you, I don't have a whole heap of specific desires for next year - particularly compared to the way I was dreaming and scheming this time last year!! - and I am totally OK with that.

I want to continue to devote and simplify - in my business and personally. TO LOVE. I'm feeling more workshops in Australia (and maybe overseas?! Bali? London? Why not?!) and I would really love to shift a little closer to my family. Maybe I'll start writing a book or making art. I'd like to call in even more prosperity and generosity too. Right now, that feels like more than enough.

Now I want to throw it over to you (if you're still reading after this EPIC post!) What have been your big lessons, themes and moments of 2014?

Share below! And in the spirit of dream declaration, tell me what you're bringing into your life for the new year ahead.

This will be my last post for the year, as I take some time off from blogging (although no doubt I'll still be hanging out on Insty!) - I'll be back online sometime in January! I wish you and your family a safe, relaxing and joyful Christmas and may all your dreams come true.

Love Claire x