Claire Baker

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25 Reflections on 2013: Plus a FREE Worksheet

Oh yes, the new year is beckoning! 2014 is hot on our heels my friends and I know you can feel the energy it's bringing with it; excitement, motivation, anticipation. Maybe a sprinkling of fear and uncertainty, but generally, this time of year is always buzzing with celebration and connection and I bloody love it.

I've got some big dreams for 2014. How about you? Are you going to make it your best year yet? I sure hope so! I hope you're eagerly dreaming up all the wonders 2014 will bring into your life and setting intentions like its going out of fashion (it isn't).

But before we jump into next year, let's slow right down and take a look in the rearview mirror. Let's celebrate 2013. Let's reflect on 2013. Then, let's release 2013. Let's wind-down the year with a whole lotta gratitude, a fair chunk of acceptance and a bucketload of love.

2013 has been easily the most painful and generous, eye-opening and soul-awakening, thrilling and authentic, heart-crushing and spirited year of my life thus far. It's exhausted and exhilarated me. And to be honest, I'm ready to release it.

I'll go first shall I? Here's my 25 reflections on the year just gone.

NOTE: I've created a super-pretty 2 page worksheet for you too, so you can do the same. Read to the end to grab yours!

I am most grateful for... my family. Always.

I quit... getting drunk. And my full time job.

I started... studying what I love; holistic health and yoga.

I was totally transformed by... my studies at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Life changing.

My dreams came true when... I started to work as a health coach and began freelance writing. Woop!

I sold... my car.

I was given... SO MUCH.

I gave away... What I could. My time. Clothes. Money. Food. Love.

I grew... a veggie patch. And my eyebrows.

I let go of... the need to weigh myself everyday.

I made friends with... the most incredible bunch of soulful gals in Perth. #soulsisters (special mention goes to this lady).

I’ve conjured up the dream to... write books, travel, fall in love.

I never thought I’d... be working for myself at 26! Or be a total acupuncture convert. 

I created... a beautiful blog and community here at This is Lifeblood. Grateful!

I learnt how to... let go. Meditate. Use crystals. Navigate Perth. Eat paleo(ish). Use Wordpress. Ferment vegetables. Do Bakasana. Ask for help.

So incredibly proud of... my brother.

I was inspired by... people, the ocean, silence, art, geometry, honesty, old photographs, food, books, pain, music. The list goes on (and on and on!)

I was surprised by... my blog being a finalist in the Bupa Health Influencer Awards. And how clear my skin is - finally!

Tears were shed when... -ever and often.

I remembered... how much I love to write.

I laughed the hardest at... my sister doing the worm inside a surfboard bag on Australia Day. Hilarious.

I travelled to... Margaret River, Melbourne, Albury and Bali. Oh, and I moved to Perth.

I still can’t believe I overcame... January.

Never will I forget when... I danced stone cold sober at a cacao dance party with David Wolfe.

The biggest lesson I learnt was... to be present and grateful always. To appreciate life.

Phew! I can't even begin to tell you how good it feels to reflect like that. Want to give it a go too? I've created a beautiful worksheet with all of these 25 reflections, that is all yours to download, print out and heart-storm all over.

Click HERE or on the image below to download your (free!) 2 page worksheet, so you can reflect upon and release 2013 in style.

I'd LOVE to know what you come up with... Tell me in the comments, are you feeling ready to let go of this year?