Claire Baker

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Want a peek behind the scenes of my business? A video for you! (Especially if you're an aspiring coach)

It's almost been four years since I started blogging / sharing online and August of 2016 marks two years since I 'quit my day job' and decided to take this self-employed thang full time. It's been one hell and heaven of a ride! I wouldn't have any of it any other way. I was recently asked some terrific business questions over email from an aspiring coach...

So I decided to make a video in response. I always find it useful hearing about other people's experience in creating a heart-centred business and I daresay if you're an aspiring coach, practicing coach or online business owner, you'll find some inspiration in my answers, even if it's just a reminder of what is POSSIBLE. (Hint: so much!)

Here are the questions I answer in this 22-minute video:

  • How did you start your business?

  • What were the first two years like?

  • Where did you find your first clients?

  • What mistakes did you make?

  • What has been your greatest 'aha' moment in setting up your business effectively?

  • What's your recommendation on how to price yourself as a new coach?

  • Are you open to collaborating with other coaches? If so, what sort of collaborations are valuable to you?

  • What advice would you give to anyone starting out as a coach?

>>Watch the video here.<<

If you have any other questions, I'm very happy to open up a conversation in the comments of this post on the topic.

Leave your questions or curiosities below and I'll answer to the best of my abilities, as soon as I can. Nothing is too big or too small to ask. I'm here to share the love! Speaking of which, do feel welcome to share this video wherever your favourite budding business pals hang out. To heart-centred businesses changing the world... Big love!

Claire x