Claire Baker

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Dream Big: Digging, Desires & Declarations


Two things are lighting my fire big time right now. They've combined forces to stir my heart, requiring me to dig deep and dream big.

The first is re-reading Danielle La Porte's The Fire Starter Sessions. This woman is magic. If you haven't read this book, you need to. And then re-read it. It has transformed the way I perceive goal setting, my career and my relationships forever. Seriously.

The second awesome-ness in my life right now is the fact I bought a ticket to the 2014 Coachella Music and Arts Festival in America last week. Oh yeah I did! I'm heading back to The States baby, California looooove!

But back to Danielle just quickly. She's been asking me to delve into my desires to decipher what I want from this life; how I want to feel. She's beckoning me to dream and declare, to reflect and to share (oops, did that just rhyme?) and so I've been dreaming baby. Desire-mapping like a boss.

'Our dreams and desires define us. Be they broken, scarcely remembered, on the verge of reality, or in full bloom. They pilot our choices. Dreams have the power to shape the entire landscape of our lives.' - Danielle La Porte

Well hand me the shovel sunshine, because I am oh-so-ready to start digging.

But first, a minute to reflect. You know, I could never have predicted the last 12 months of my life. Learning to be single again (and loving it), yoga-retreating in Bali, working in China, quitting my job, moving to a new city, family crisis, deciding to study again, ending the partying, creating this blog.

Rediscovering my purpose, reigniting my passions. And while I'm not trying to predict the next 12 months, by committing to being somewhere in the world next year (aka Coachella ticket) I've triggered a whole new wave of ideas.

What could I be doing a year from now? Well here it is. This is what I see. Declaration time people, I'm making myself accountable, THIS is my dream.


By May 2014, I will be a certified health and life coach (plus reiki practitioner to boot), empowering women to discover how choosing health enables them to fall in love with themselves, their bodies and align themselves with who they really are. I guide them to unearth what it is that makes them come alive. I feel energised, radiant and inspired.

I'm location independent; working and travelling, impacting and exploring. From my laptop, I work in Buenos Aires, New York and San Fran. My e-books are well loved, my online programs are changing lives. I feel sovereign, creative and free.

I'm madly in love with a soul who inspires me, a man who laughs loudly, gives generously and loves life dearly. (And me, of course!) I feel loved, grateful and content.

I have discovered financial freedom and strength, cut the ties to my debt and learnt to love money. I feel empowered, generous and fluid.Everyday is presence, meditation, creating and writing. I'm running 10kms with ease. I'm drawing, painting and printing. And with yoga teacher training well underway, my handstand is totally kick-arse! I feel open, organic and strong.


So there you are my darlings, my dreams and desires for the next 12 months. That feels a little scary putting that out there, but I'm respecting my fear and choosing L.O.V.E. instead.

I'm choosing to take inspired action and get the wheels in motion. Pro bono clients. Manifesting money. Reiki training and yoga dedication. Writing, writing and more writing. Working overtime on my self love and meditation muscles. Visualisation. Realisation. Faith and determination.

UPDATE: You can find the second instalment to this post HERE and the third instalment HERE


So tell me gorgeous, what is your dream for the next 12 months of your wonderful life? And most importantly, how will this big, beautiful dream make you FEEL? 

Remember to share the love if you know someone who needs a little dose of dreaming...