Claire Baker

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The Gratitude Files: Clarity, Gentleness & Authenticity (and hello 2015!)

Well, this is exciting! After a stellar two month break from blogging, I'm seriously excited to be back online. And what better way to kick the year off on a HIGH note, than with a Gratitude Files segment, video style. 

My focus today is on the STATES OF BEING that have been present in my life since 2015 kicked off. These are clarity, gentleness and authenticity... Plus a first glimpse into my direction/vision for this year, how I 'fell off the wagon' in Bali (and how I'm easing back into routine) and how I'm currently feeling about my boobs.

Something that I did forget to mention in the video, was that this Sunday is This Is Lifeblood's 2nd birthday!! Woo hoo. She's all grown up! I'll be celebrating at my Dream, Then Do workshop this weekend that I'm hosting in Perth with one of my best friends Em. Pretty chuffed. :) (For anyone interested, my first post ever is right here.)

But back to business! So I was going to edit the 'pauses' and 'ummmmms' out of this video, but it felt a bit icky, seeing as AUTHENTICITY is a state of being that I am digging! So, it IS almost 14min, but it's all real.


+ You can download your free mindful food diary by clicking on the image below or finding it in the FREE LOVE section of my website. You can also find it as apart of my wellness program in the She Is Radiant Toolkit: 36 Truths, Dares & Tools To Guide Your Wellness Adventure. You can download it and get instant access right here.

+ The awesome Violet Gray 'Flash Mob' hashtag on Instagram was #imperfectlymeVG (seriously, take a look! SO heart-warming) and you can check out their Instagram here.

+ As I said, my eBook Get Unstuck: A Workbook To Create Clarity, Ignite Your Spark & Keep You Moving Forward (which is free!) is nearly ready for you. It's so beautiful - and bloody useful. I'm sending it out to my newsletter tribe BEFORE releasing it on here, so make sure you're all signed up.

+ If you'd like to add your 2 cents (which is priceless to me) to what you'd like answered in my 'Coaches Black Book', you can do so right here.

Aaaaand I'll leave it there.

I can't wait to hear from you in the comments!

Remember, expressing and sharing your feelings of gratitude is POWERFUL, so let's light the internet UP, together. You never know who might read your comment and go 'aaahhhhhh, yes. Me too!'

Big love!

Claire x