Claire Baker

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Heroines with Heart: Monika Berry of MB Captured

There are some people in life you just know you are destined to meet. I first connected with Monika Berry, the Creative Producer behind MB Captured over a year ago when we were both coaching with Tara Bliss. Emails flew back and forth and we both discovered each of us was working in an office job that neither of our hearts were in. Over the past year, our paths have somewhat mirrored each others (although I haven't become a new Mum as Mon has!) as we have taken a leap, quit the 9-5 and gone off on our own into the world.

When we caught up earlier this year in Melbourne, it was like meeting an old friend. Mon is warm, radiant and ever-so-talented. Have you checked out my manifesto yet? She's the creative lass that has helped bring my words to life. Keep an eye on this lady, she's about to officially launch her biz and I'm so excited for what is ahead of her.

Interested in some creative design and photography services? Make sure you check out the generous giveaway Mon is offering at the bottom of this interview!

So, first things first. What is your dream?

To live my life not bound by office walls or 9:00-5:00 but from what I can GIVE to the world. It means I can pick up my laptop and work from anywhere in the world, having new and exciting experiences with my family.

What has been your biggest fear to date to overcome?

A scary one to admit, self confidence. As a new graphic designer and photographer, putting myself out there and showing off my work is really daunting. There is no right or wrong. However, I once read, if your dreams don't scare the shit out of you, they are not big enough. This is so true, because when I do mediocre things, I feel, well, mediocre.

What makes up your lifeblood?

People + Connection

Without human spirit connection, things kinda seem meaningless. I believe happiness is best when shared. Since starting MB Captured, there has been a whole lotta happiness sharing. I have met and connected with so many amazing women who have lifted me up and ignited my soul. Hearing peoples stories and sharing interests - thats my lifeblood.

Being healthy means that I...

For me, it is not just fuelling my body with good foods, it is finding time for myself each and every day. Since having a baby, it is things like making sure I get dressed every morning, feeling the sunshine on my face every day and sticking to my skincare regimen - these small things make me feel human (it doesn't take much to feel un-human with a newborn). Meditation, movement and nourishment are key.  Health is really non negotiable - you can't put a price on it.

To me, the word 'healing' means...

Acceptance, love and an open heart - in that order. You gotta love yourself first, accept and embrace your current reality - don't keep changing the goal posts on your definition of happiness. Keep your heart open to others and ideas, when you give love you receive love. We all have challenges in our lives, to varying degrees - it is how we choose to deal with these that shape our future.

Where is your ultimate travel destination?

A couple of years ago, I went to the middle of the Northern Thailand jungle and worked at an elephant sanctuary. There were no phones, newspapers, tv or internet, just elephants being... elephants. It was here I ticked off a big item from my 'bucket list' - to experience a breathtaking moment with wildlife.  Many times I found myself in awe of the elephants and felt I  really connected with nature (which included barefoot jungle trekking), when I left I cried for hours, it was such a surreal and beautiful experience.

What DRIVES you?

Life is what you make it, I don't want to look back with regrets of things I didn't do. I live by my own rules and definition of success. I like to contribute and help others, it makes me feel full of gratitude.

Choosing love over fear means?

To live wholly and honestly, without being restricted. The way life bloody should be!

I feel really creative when I...

Really make the time to do something with no purpose. I stopped drawing for a VERY long time, but once I started again I got so lost in it and it felt goooood. We are taught to put down our pencils and pick up our text books and computers, but we should always make time to let our minds create.

If you could tell your 14 year old self one thing, what would it be?

Hey sister, the next few years will be the toughest of your life, no really. The good news is they are the foundation blocks to a pretty spectacular life ahead, they will cement your morals and outlook on life in a really great way. Shed those tears when they need to be and laugh till your belly hurts, don't stop dancing and most definitely don't stop dreaming.

Can you share with us your secret pleasure?

I am actually a bit of a reality TV addict. It goes through phases, but I am currently on Geordie Shore and Dance Moms. Also, Nutella, on anything - but best on a spoon.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Being happy and humble with my small family. Seeking adventures and working on exciting projects. Nourish my body with good food and move my body everyday with gentle exercise. Supporting my family with my photography and design business (which  will be officially launched this Spring, although my doors for business are already open on the blog!)

So, tell us about the generous giveaway available to This is Lifeblood readers!

I'm offering a $100 voucher towards any creative design or photography service. This is Lifeblood readers just have to head across to the

MB Captured FB page

 and like it then leave a comment on this interview below. Good luck!

Monika Berry is the Creative Producer behind MB Captured. A Photographer, Graphic Designer and self-proclaimed decor and stationery lover, Monika shares her passion for positivity, creativity and freedom of living on her beautiful and inspiring blog. You can drool over her knack for imagery and connect with Monika on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram

I love the way Mon talks about creativity and freedom! What did you find most inspiring in this interview? Share in the comments below!