Claire Baker

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How I Get Unstuck When I'm in Deep Explorative Mode

Today's guest post comes to you from the delightful Claire Obeid at The Wellness Project. Claire is one of the gorgeous contributors to my upcoming eBook Get Unstuck - only 4 sleeps to go! You can devour an interview I did with the wise and beautiful Claire here and find out how to snag your free copy of my eBook at the bottom of this post. Enjoy!

To say that I like to get down and dirty is an understatement. I’m all for peeling back layers, getting cozy with my shadow self and really diving into the depths of my darker side – ego, limiting beliefs and emotional blocks.

Why? Because it leads to such powerful shifts causing me to crack open + connect to life. Those dark journeys lead to bliss.

The problem though, is that it’s not always a smooth ride with clearly mapped directions when I’m in that self-enquiry, explorative mode. Often, I’m feeling my way through the dark, trying to ‘figure’ it out.

My desire to have that potent awareness that delivers juicy, transformative moments sometimes gets in my way. I want it so bad – to feel the flow of life, to ease through each day with inspiration and insight – that my love for it mutates into this overly controlled experience.

I get stuck. I hit that metaphorical brick wall that we all know too well. I’m no longer deep-diving or flowing with life. I’m somewhere in-between. Limbo. No-(wo)man’s land. My version of hell.

 What do I do to get unstuck? Four, very simple things.

  1. I get some energy work done. A healing light session, a Reiki session, kinesiology, I do an EFT session. Tried and tested methods that I know open the floodgates for me.

  2. I move, I breathe, I bend, I flex. Yoga is my lifeblood. It’s what saves me, every time. It helps me redefine ‘exploration’ as I use my body to navigate through life.

  3. I meditate. Daily. Devoted. Stillness.

  4. I invoke the child. We all have an inner child (and maybe a child in our life we can connect with). I call on that child-like energy to really shake things up. Play. Adventure. Laughter. Sunshine. Silliness.

Claire Obeid is Holistic Health Coach, yoga teacher, writer, and blogger – but really she sees herself as a soul-centred wellness advocate living her dream. Claire truly feels that we are what we eat, think, feel, breathe, do… and encourages individuals to respect the breath, the body and the mind. Through her blog, ecourse and ebook, coaching practice and speaking gigs Claire passionately shares health, wellness and the truth – that we can all live, breath and be in balance, true happiness and health. Free from limiting self-beliefs, health issues, emotional turmoil, poor self-esteem and stress. Claire’s thrown out the diet-plans and rulebooks and instead coaches, writes and teaches from a place of intuition, knowledge and respect. Guided by the fundamentals of connecting in to who you are, feeding the body in the best way possible and nourishing the soul. Check out Claire’s blogand buy her ebook here. Stay connected to her on Twitterand instagram @claireOwellness and visit The Wellness Project Facebook page for daily affirmations, wellness tips and more.

Mmmmm, delicious. Right? Claire's shared some fabulous tips with us here - have you tried any of these to get yourself back in the flow of life?

Would you like me to send you a free copy of Get Unstuck when it launches on Tuesday 11th February??