Claire Baker

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Let's Chat! Announcing LIVE #soulsistersessions with Emily Ehlers and I

In my early twenties, I didn’t have a huge number of girl friends. I’ve always had a couple of close besties, but I generally never ‘clicked’ with many other girls. I always found it so much easier to make friends with boys - I felt they were more easy going, less bitchy and the big one - I felt they didn’t judge me.

I realise now, that a lot of the walls I was holding up around other ladies in my life were directly connected to my own fears and insecurities - being afraid of what others thought of me, comparison and even competition.

However, over the past year I have felt the female relationships in my life shift dramatically. I have opened my heart to other women, I’ve dropped the comparisons, the gossip and bitchiness and completely embraced the freaking amazing females in my life.

One lady in particular has been the star of this show… Emily Ehlers from, a health coach, Mama and blogger and one of my best friends and soul sisters. You can read a past interview with Em here.

After a super cute and synchronistic meeting on Instagram about a year ago…(NOTE: I obviously did make the move permanent! Ha!)

Our friendship exploded! From our first date at The Raw Kitchen blossomed a friendship full of epiphanies, beach walks, quinoa, craft days, wine and epic gas-bagging sessions.

Not surprisingly, we met on the very same year that we both made the formal decision to stop the crowd-pleasing and to start living authentically. To follow our dreams and chase down the lives we actually wanted to live. Since then we have both created successful blogs, have graduated as Health Coaches with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, left soul-destroying jobs, gained a beautiful bulging bounty of clients and live in lovely homes near the beach (and 1.938 kms from each other!).

To add to it, together we have met the most amazing women and formed such wonderful relationships along the way. We have all introduced and tagged along and welcomed and cheered and all of a sudden we have this phenomenal support network of inspiring, talented ladyfriends.

We always walk away from our sessions together feeling supported, enlightened, excited and held up high. There are constant revelations and as my other gal pal Oprah would say, a-hah! moments.

So while we were barefoot, cross-legged chatting the other day about how far we had both come and how happy we both were, we figured - hey, lets make room in this circle for a few more fabulous bottoms...

Welcome to the first (of many) #soulsistersessions!

On the 13th February join us for a live call where we discuss all those juicy bits that make us tick. Just in time for a self-love infused Valentines Day.

We are going to dive head first into all the amazing love-soaked lessons we learnt together over 2013:

+ Our self-love practices

+ How we found our tribe

+ How we avoid catching comparisonitis

+ Developing trusting female friendships

+ How we manifested our dream lives

We are also opening up our hearts (and our emails) for any questions you have been burning to ask. You can send these in advance by clicking here or here, or leave a comment below. You can even join in during the call.

We are both SO excited to have a chat with YOU - the other major component of the tribe we both found this year. All the information will be sent out via our newsletters, so make sure you're subscribed to the list by popping your email in below.

You can let us know on social media if you'll be joining us by using the #soulsistersessions hashtag AND if you know anyone who needs a generous dose of soul sister juju, please feel free to spread the word about this global love-in by sharing using the links below. We can't wait to meet you!