Claire Baker

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Stuff I'm Digging

It seems like the last quarter of 2016 is set to go off with a bang. Here's some gems I've been getting excited about...

Meditation that you'll look forward to doing? It's a reality.

A hype-free online business course that feels like a HUGE hug? It's also a reality.

Speaking of authentic business... Does the online business / coaching world have something to learn from the humanitarian world? (And vice versa)

This sexy yoga playlist.

This is how they broke our Grandmothers.

Australian bamboo sanitary pads people (well, woman) and conscious social enterprise Tsuno now make ORGANIC TAMPONS.

With a biodegradable wrap instead of plastic! Amazing. Also worth clicking over to watch hilarious Scottish vagina.Looking for a beautiful, bold 2017 planner? Here's a project to get behind!

Sustainable, sexy fashion that feels like the answer to my prayers. I can't stand buying cheap fast fashion, it makes me feel gross.

My favourite book on money now as an audio book! Also love the author updates in the audio. A timely reminder to tell your truth as it is now and you can always (and probably will) change your mind later.

A website to remove the taboo around women's pleasure with real life vaginas (including pubic hair!), tutorials, backed by studies and a desire to empower women through great orgasms – OMG YES.

The reminder I needed to hear about manifesting.

The share economy just gets better and better, here's a site for sharing home and workspaces in the UK. Getting some great ideas for my next London workshops!

A foodies guide to London by my favourite foodie.

Why we should all be attention seekers.

I am currently manifesting the £££ for the Hay House Writer's workshop in London. Are you going?

And last but not least, my online course devoted to self-care and creativity is open for fresh enrolments and I'm having a ball updating the content for the next round! Join us?

Happy Friday everyone! I'm off to see Bridget Jones' Baby and attend the opening of London's Hat Week with my cousin and Aunt. Market trawling also guaranteed. Photos on Insta, I promise! 

Claire x