Claire Baker

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Stuff I'm Digging: Creative Yoga, DIY Cleanses, Blog Magic & More

There's so many chicks on my radar doing rad stuff right now. Creating awesome products, services, workshops, blogs and generally just putting their awesome self out into the world - stuff I'm digging, that I just know you'll dig too. So, in the name of sharing the love, here are a few gems!

+ Crushing majorly on the stunningly epic, revealing and incredibly useful Bright Eyed & Blog Hearted eCourse that the gorgeous blogging genius herself, Rachel MacDonald from In Spaces Between has created. I am loving the content, the heart, the drool-worthy design and the love and support in the #bloghearted Facebook group immensely! So rad. I've recommended this course to lots of my clients (and lots of my clients have come from the course - ahhhh the power of community), and I give it a BIG thumbs up.

+ The gorgeous and unconventional Gypsetter herself, Vienda Maria's 7 Day Gypset Guide to Releasing Rituals is magic. Her words, visuals and soothing audio will guide you to slow down, rest and create space for what you truly need to bring into your life – and let go of what you don’t. Stunning - but that's no surprise. Love this lady's work.

+ A useful and beautifully-designed DIY 3 Day Juice Cleanse from one of my amazing clients, health coach Amelia Harvey. So much more than just a juice cleanse - Amelia really gets into the soulful nitty-gritty in the accompanying workbook. Great value for money too!!

+ Heck yeah to the sneak peak I got last week of the Winter look book for Avila Active, the ethical activewear brand I'm proud to be an ambassador for. Can't wait to get some new pieces! The wool scarves are gorgeous, no?

+ My good friend and yogic visionary, Lacey Haynes from The Yoga Emporium has been pumping out some wicked workshops in Perth lately and her next one in April, Transform and Thrive, is set to be an empowering and heart-opening few hours.If you're not in Perth (or even if you are), you must check out Lacey's playful and unique eBook Yoga & Creativity if you'd like to learn more about channeling, exploring and strengthening your creativity through your yoga practice. Yee-ha! [Update: You can check out a full review I've done of this eBook here.] 

+ The divine and soothing guided meditations from psychic intuitive Helen Thomas over at The Little Sage (which are included in my current giveaway), have been filling my mornings, afternoons and mid-client breaks with pure lush. Perfect for beginner-medi's.

If you've been needing some time out to re-assess those big dreams of yours, you must treat yourself to Claire Obeid's latest eBook Inspired: A DIY Retreat Guide to Distil Your Dreams & Clarify Your Vision, which guides you step-by-step through your own DIY retreat. I used this guide to help me carve out time in the creative cave when writing Get Unstuck and it was a gamechanger!

+ I adore everything Danielle La Porte writes, creates, gives - and says. Her words! Her voice! I loved the audio from The Desire Map so much, it's regularly on repeat through my earphones. Her emphasis and tone bring whole new layers to the experience of engaging with her content. But what is this?! Regular blog posts both in written AND audio versions? That you can download? Of course Danielle is going there! There's just so much practicality and trailblazing originality in such a simple, succinct move and as a total #blognerd, I'm bloody excited about it.

+ And finally, so excited to jump back into another DIY seasonal holistic cleanse from Jasmine Mathews over at Simply Replenished. I've been a recipe contributor to and participant of her past few cleanses and I must say, they are effective, empowering and easy to follow. Again, a beautiful support group in the cleanse Facebook community. Give it a go - your skin and energy levels will love you for it!

 Hmmmmmm I just realised I could go on and on here - would you be interested in this being a semi-regular feature - chicks doing rad stuff???? Seen any other awesome chicks (or dudes) hustling some rad projects lately? I'd love to know in the comments! NOTE: Bright Eyed & Blog Hearted, Yoga & Creativity, Inspired & Holistic Autumn Cleanse are offerings that I am proud to be an affiliate for. This means that if you sign up via my link, I receive a percentage of the sale. You know I would never promote anything I wouldn't promote for free, so it's a win-win for everyone :)