Claire Baker

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The Gratitude Files: Friends, Reiki, Yoga & Coffee


It's been a month since I last updated The Gratitude Files and what a month it has been. I've officially moved to Perth, as in I now have my own room, my clothes are hanging in a wardrobe and I'm job hunting like a crazy person.

There's been a lot of uncertainty, excitement, confusion and sadness in the past few weeks. My brother has made some amazing steps forward in his recovery but we've also received the news we aren't able to transfer him to Melbourne, so Western Australia is home for now. Which is totally cool.

My parents and I agree however that the last fortnight has been the hardest since the first month after his accident. He spoke his first word in 5 months the other day. He also turned 24 the other day. The ups and downs of the emotional roller coaster continue.

The future is a scary place sometimes. So I've been choosing to stay present. Whenever, wherever, presence. It brings me back into the now, back into love and back into gratitude.

And believe me, no matter what life throws my way, now matter how many do-I-really-have-to-get-out-of-bed-days I have, I'm still waving my 'Thank You Life!' flag high in the sky.


Friendships, Mateships, Old & New

I have a whole new appreciation of late for the beautiful friends in my life. I recently wrote here about a long catch up I had with an old friend; one of those lunches that rolls into dinner and drinks, where conversation flows and your thoughts are sorted out.I am grateful for my best friend, who is patient enough to review by text message, my multitude of outfit options before going on a date recently. Thanks Jess! I am grateful for ex-boyfriends who have now become friends.

I have also recently had the pleasure of crossing paths with some incredibly inspiring women who dig the same stuff that I do. Making plans ahead of raw food road trip retreats, surfing lessons, coaching partners, days of writing, yoga and collaborating… Did somebody say soul sisters? Yaya!

I am incredibly grateful for the the mates in my brother's life. The support that they have shown Sam, visiting after work and on weekends, sitting with him and making him smile and laugh with tales of their 'little boy' antics as well as the countless videos with 'fist pumping' messages of support and encouragement that we've received from his mates back home has contributed dramatically to Sam's positive steps in recovery.So to all of you, I say THANK YOU. We are forever grateful.


Reiki at Left of Centre Therapies

Reiki is slowly but surely changing my life. Shifting things big time. Once a skeptic, I am now a total convert and taking care of myself and showing myself some love, now comes in the form of weekly reiki healings with Fiona of Left of Centre Therapies in Perth.I look at these sessions as time to stop, reflect and heal. And of course, have a good old chat. I feel the 'yuckiness' in my belly shift and my head clear.

Fiona's intuition is out of this world. As she moves around my body, she picks up on all the lower energies, fears and doubts I have been experiencing and helps to send them on their way. I cannot shout this woman's praises enough; she is compassionate, insightful, wise and strong and she keeps me accountable and 'doing the work'.

For example, my homework last fortnight was to laugh more to move the negative stress energy in my gut and to ask my angels for help in cutting ties to my debt. So Saturday night I snuggled in to watch 'Hot Rod' (classic!) to feel the stress fade and my income in the past fortnight was the most it's been in 6 months.Amazing stuff.


 Yoga: Inversions & Emotional Release

Fun fact: Two years ago, I could not touch my toes! Now I can easily stretch out and clasp my hands around the soles of my feet. I'm naturally inflexible, with tight muscles and joints but after cranking up the commitment to yoga 9 months ago, I've been slowly improving, expanding and opening.But in the last month, I've really felt something shift - I ended up in tears by the end of class a few weeks ago; a true emotional and physical release. And a lot of the fear I've held in regard to inversions (getting upside down) is slowly leaving. Asanas that I used to long to do, are now coming easy. Hello, handstand!


Guest Posting @ Ray of Sunshine Wellness

I was totally honoured to be asked by Alana at Ray of Sunshine Wellness to write a guest post for her blog. Alana is a refreshing, strong and ultra inspiring babe in the wellness world and her stunning site is a testament to her passion. So of course I said yes!

I wrote about the decision I made 3 months ago to quit binge drinking and how much my life has changed since then. It had a pretty incredible response and I got a bucketload of lovely feedback so if you haven't yet checked it out you can find it here and while you're over there, do yourself a favour and sink your teeth into Alana's gorgeous blog.


 Learning, Writing, Coffee & Cafes

Right now, I am in love with learning. And writing. And the best thing about these two loves, is that I can do both, wherever I like. I am completely location independent when it comes to study and creating content for this blog and I absolutely LOVE it.

I have been carving out time in cafes and exploring more of Perth with my laptop, earphones, pen and paper in tow. And I've fallen a little bit back in love with coffee. Having quit my daily habit of 2 cups a day for the past 6 months means that I'm really enjoying a creamy soy latte here and there.

One is enough, it feels indulgent and gets my creative energy churning.

And the bonus is that by doing what I love, wherever I like, I'm reigniting my passion to travel by giving fuel to my visualisations of working as a coach, writing e-books and inspiring others to love their life and live their passion, all while seeing the world.Do what you love. 2014 travel baby, it's a happening thang.


That's my gratitude rundown gorgeous, but what about you? What are you feeling grateful for today?

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