If you’re new to menstrual cycle awareness or wondering how on earth
your period might actually be a superpower, then you’re in the right place.
Consider Adore Your Cycle your first stop on your period power journey. Downloaded and treasured by thousands of women all over the world, this eBook and audiobook bundle will not only shift the way you view your menstrual cycle, but it will transform the way you live your life.
What’s inside
Adore Your Cycle:
Easy to understand guidance on the hormonal changes the female body experiences each month.
How these hormonal changes affect wellbeing, creativity, confidence, energy and more.
How-to guidance on living more in flow with the different phases of your cycle.
Self-care practices to try at each phase (or ‘inner season’) of the menstrual cycle.
Information, charts and tools to help you begin charting your cycle right away.
An invitation to re-write the relationship you have with your period and your body.
Guidance from qualified holistic health practitioners focusing on herbs, diet and simple lifestyle changes to help alleviate period pain and pre-menstrual symptoms.
Thoughts on the contraceptive pill and advice on coming off it.
How to feel more like your true, whole self all month long.
Guidance to help you share this information with the people in your life.
A practical and positive approach based on my personal and professional experience, stirred with stories and shares from my clients, colleagues and community.

Download today to receive these bonuses:
Adore Your Cycle Facebook group. A private space to ask your period-related questions and hear from others exploring this life-changing work too.
Four online yoga classes to compliment each phase of your cycle.
Playlists for each phase of your cycle. (It turns out period music is rather different to ovulation music!)
eBook & Audiobook Bundle £22
Take home the eBook, audiobook & bonuses. Read & listen on the go!
SAVE 50% with code ADORE — until 1 Dec 2024
eBook £14
eBook in PDF format delivered to your email. Includes all bonuses.
Audiobook £12
Audiobook in Mp3 format delivered to your email. Includes all bonuses.
Spoiler: This is so much more than just periods & PMS.
After over a decade of sharing this work and thousands of hours of practice, I’ve created Adore Your Cycle for you because I know the transformation that can occur when we begin to understand and work with our cycle… rather than push against it.
Questions & Answers
+ My cycle isn't 28 days long. It's longer / shorter / erratic! Does that matter?
Many women find their cycle doesn't consistently follow a 28-day pattern. By getting to know each phase of your cycle more intimately, you'll soon realise that charting your cycle is not only possible for you, but can make your life much, much easier.
+ Does Adore Your Cycle apply to women who don't have a menstrual cycle? ie. pregnant, breastfeeding, post-menopausal, trans women?
Adore Your Cycle contains guidance, knowledge and practices that will benefit anyone who identifies as a woman or who has a period, or has ever had a period. I value inclusivity and am learning more everyday about how I can be more conscious and inclusive of others in this work. The content of the teachings is grounded in the experience of a 'natural' menstrual cycle, ie. ovulating and menstruating. If you will not experience a natural cycle again, the content may not apply to you as an individual, but rather in sharing this work with others in your life.
+ What technology do I need to buy, download and read this eBook?
Use your PayPal account or credit card in whichever currency you prefer. You’ll receive the eBook as a PDF file over email, which you can read on your computer or send to a smartphone, tablet or kindle. The audiobook is delivered as an Mp3 file which you can play on desktop or transfer to a smartphone, or you can stream the audiobook. Your bonuses will be sent via email.
+ I hate talking about my period, will this make me uncomfortable?
Maybe. Change and growth is uncomfortable. We’re not taught to have these kinds of conversations and so a gentle and kind approach is always best when approaching anything new. That’s how I suggest reading Adore Your Cycle, with self-compassion and curiosity.

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