I’m a coach, author & speaker who has been studying and teaching all things menstruality, periods & personal development for a decade. I come alive when I get to share the life-changing secrets of the menstrual cycle with people. Spoiler: your period is far more powerful than you realise.

How did I come to be a leading menstrual cycle coach?
I started taking hormonal contraception when I was 16 and stayed on it for ten years. When I came off the pill, everything changed. My hormones found the rhythm of the natural menstrual cycle and I began feeling wildly different from week-to-week. I realised that if I paid close attention and tracked these physical, mental, emotional and spiritual shifts, there were patterns… and I could predict how I’d be feeling ahead of time.
I soon knew exactly which day of my cycle I could expect my inner critic to get nasty, my libido to be sky-high and my intuition crystal clear. I knew which phase of my cycle I’d need more sleep, the days I was wildly productive and the ones I was more prone to procrastinating. I began to plan my life around my cycle accordingly, gently working with my natural flow.
Life was suddenly so much EASIER. As my cycle began to guide my daily routines, wellbeing choices and creative output, I found I was better rested, more productive and far kinder to myself.
The more I worked with my cycle, the more I felt like ME. Connected and at ease in my own body. I’d come home to myself for the first time in my life.
I knew that what I was learning about my period and cyclic living could be taught to anyone & that this practice of menstrual cycle awareness (MCA) could change the lives of so many women and people who bleed.
MCA naturally became an integral part of the approach I had with my health and life coaching clients and they too began to experience positive changes in their energy levels, confidence, relationships, sex lives, productivity, self-trust and self-belief.
In the years since, as well as working 1:1 with hundreds of women, my online courses, books and workshops have taught thousands how to chart their cycle to elevate their wellbeing, confidence, creativity, relationships, sexuality, spirituality and self love.
If you want to learn how to flow with your natural rhythm (rather than pushing against it) to experience more ease and clarity in your life, then I’m your woman. And we’ll have a good time doing it. Because joy and the menstrual cycle are not mutually exclusive — you might even come to enjoy having your period... I hope so!
I’ve trained
with leading experts in menstruality, natural fertility, personal development and coaching. I’ve spoken at large corporate events and facilitated intimate workshops and retreats across the UK, Europe and Australia. Most of my time is happily spent hanging out in my online global classroom where I teach courses that can be taken from anywhere in the world.
There’s been a few bumps
along the way, of course. From post-pill amenorrhea to painful and heavy periods to uncomfortable pre-menstrual symptoms, I know it isn’t all roses. Thankfully, I’ve learned to listen to my body and restore the rhythm of my cycle. Periods are a fantastic feedback system… there’s a reason why menstruation is considered the 5th vital sign.
An Exciting Chapter
In July 2020 I released my first book ‘50 Things You Need To Know About Periods: Know Your Flow & Live In Sync With Your Cycle’ with Pavilion, UK. I’m thrilled to share this life-changing work in a hardback, tangible form. In 2019 I founded Cycle Coach School, a facilitator training for professionals who are eager to incorporate MCA into their practice and become a Cycle Coach.

“We are not separate from this Earth; we are a part of it, whether we fully feel it in our bodies yet or not.”
Fun facts about me —
I’m a highly sensitive introverted Virgo who loves a hot bath, a good book, rose scented anything, new stationery, vintage clothes and excellent chocolate.
I thrive being self-employed and am a true creative at heart. Heart-led businesses for the win!
Growing up in regional Australia instilled a deep reverence in me for nature, sunshine and community. But for now, London is home and I adore living in the richness of this city with my beloved Englishman in our cute Edwardian home.
In past lifetimes I suspect I could’ve been a playwright, a midwife, a witch, a magazine editor, a photographer, a dance teacher, a lingerie maker, a tarot reader...
If I had to choose, I’d say cycle days 3 and 17 are my favourite days in my menstrual cycle! Day 26 less so…

My Bio —
Claire Baker is a sought-after coach, speaker and author of ‘50 Things You Need To Know About Periods’. For nearly a decade Claire has taught thousands of women how to live in harmony with their menstrual cycle, rather than working against it. Claire believes menstrual cycle awareness is the missing key in women’s wellbeing, empowerment and creativity, and her immersive online courses and workshops inspire women to know their flow and become the authority in their own lives. Claire’s online program Adore Your Cycle has students in over 35 countries.
With a background in visual arts and creative business, Claire is a certified health and life coach, has studied Menstruality Leadership and is a trained natural fertility teacher. In 2019 she founded Cycle Coach School, a facilitator training for professionals desiring to incorporate menstrual cycle awareness into their own practice. Known for her authentic voice and ability to ‘make periods fun’, Claire is regularly featured in publications such as Red, Glamour, and Women’s Health magazine. Originally from Australia, Claire now lives in sunny East London and spends her days coaching, teaching, writing, dancing and being as close to trees as she possibly can. Take Claire’s free cycle class Start to Chart and say hello on Instagram.
Credentials & Training —
Certified Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition (2013)
Menstruality Leadership Programme, Red School (2017)
Certified Menstrual Medicine Circle Facilitator, Red School (2017)
Trained Natural Fertility Teacher, Dr. Kerry Hampton (2019)
Advanced Hormone Healing, Institute for Integrative Nutrition (2019)
Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Training, International School of Temple Arts (2022)
Shamanic Dimensions of Pregnancy & Autumn Woman Harvest Queen (preparing for menopause), School of Shamanic Womancraft (2021)
Neurodiversity and Coaching with Animas Institute for Coaching (2024)
Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts & Design, Australian Catholic University (2008)
Post-graduate degree in Business Administration, La Trobe University (2009)
Member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapies (IICT) as both a practicing coach and professional training provider
Continued and various CPD trainings in relating, working with the menstrual cycle and menopause in client-based settings including trauma-informed and somatic-based practice

My commitment to diversity, equity & inclusion
I acknowledge the Wiradjuri people of Bungambrawatha upon whose lands I was born and raised, and the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation and the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation where I have lived, studied and worked. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture.
IN JUNE 2020 I SIGNED the anti-racist small business pledge
Led by Rachel Rodgers & Ericka Hines, I have made the following commitments: I acknowledge the omni-present existence and impact of white supremacy, specifically in the coaching and MCA fields, and will consistently engage in anti-racism education for myself and my team. I commit to holding space for conversation, open-conflict and discomfort on these issues. I will ensure at least 30% of my monthly expenses budget is being invested in BIPOC businesses and communities as well as offering scholarship opportunities to BIPOC for my courses and trainings.
i welcome people of all AGES, gender identities, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS, abilities & CULTURAL BACKGROUNDS
Ovaries or no ovaries, you are welcome here. I am committed to reaching a more diverse and inclusive representation of all people with periods in my work. Every day I am learning how I can create more safety, justice and equity, especially for those in underrepresented groups. Throughout this process I commit to consistently addressing my own personal and professional privilege and biases.
I acknowledge and give thanks to Sharyn Holmes as the inclusivity coach and social justice leader I am grateful to have studied with and received mentoring from. I look forward to my ongoing investments and life-long education in anti-racism, social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion and the many teachers that lay ahead for me, all of whom I am already indebted to and appreciative of.