This 8-week online course will show you how to sync your self-care practice with your menstrual cycle, so that you can work with your inner rhythm — not against it.

As we move through the different phases of the menstrual cycle, what helps us to feel nourished & energised one week, simply won’t work the next.
If you get a period, right now you'll be in one of the four phases of the menstrual cycle. In one week's time, you'll be in a different phase. And a week after that? Yep, different again.
The linear modes of health, fitness and wellbeing we’ve been sold in magazines just don’t work in the longterm.
This course is built on the truth that the way we take care of ourselves, manage stress levels and organise our lives, all needs to flow with this rhythm.
The world isn’t set up for those of us with periods, but you can cultivate balance, ease, sustained energy, harmony and radiance from within. I'll show you how.

the nitty gritty
Over 8 weeks, we'll cover:
Foundational self-care pillars to cultivate happy hormones. Let's give your cycle a tune up!
Charting your cycle to fully understand each of your four inner seasons & ‘crossover phases’.
The ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ of your cycle (or: how to ride the UP and DOWN of your flow!)
My favourite cycle rituals to honour your wonderful, radiant self.
Lifestyle guidance around nutrition, movement & meditation for each phase of the cycle.
Life management must-haves to sync your calendar with your cycle.
How to work with your inner critic & inner cheerleader (& where they live in your cycle)
Optimising menstruation & why it’s SO important.
Know your flow. Figuring out where your ‘happy place’ & ‘tender points’ in the cycle are.
Caring for the whole of yourself & how to nourish your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & sexual bodies in each phase of your cycle.
How to create a plan to actually make these changes in your life!
Here’s what you get:
Weekly lessons delivered over audio & transcript.
Meditations & visualisations for each cycle phase.
A video check-in for each phase of your cycle.
My favourite nourishing embodied practices to integrate into your daily routine.
Printable charting templates & 'Menstrual Maps'.
An eBook with all of the course lessons & resources for future reference.

Plus: A bonus & exclusive 3-part video series.
These practical how-to interviews with fellow leaders in menstruality add an important and varied richness to this course.
Menstrual Cycle Nutrition with Krystal Kirton-Somlai
Preparing for Menopause with Kate Codrington
Yoga, Ayurveda & the Menstrual Cycle with Amanda Noga
you ask
How will this course positively impact your life?
A greater sense of ease, wholeness, and balance in your everyday.
You feel prepared for the changes in your cycle and empowered by the ebb and flow of your body..., no longer at war with yourself.
You know yourself as a wise, beautiful and powerful woman.
Less overwhelm — you’re able to better manage your energy throughout your entire cycle.
You know how to use your cycle to make the shift from self-criticism to self-love.
Improved relationships with loved ones when you know what you need and can communicate it.
Thriving creative energy, ideas, and inspiration.
A deeper connection to your spiritual centre.
Growing trust in your intuition and self. You become the authority in your own life.
Increased confidence and self-esteem.
And of course there’s the radiant skin, a strong body, improved sleep, libido, and more!
Enrolments for
Radiate 2024
Course duration: 8 weeks
Enrolment fee: £149 (approx. US$190 / A$280)
Course start date: this is a self-study course & class is open NOW

This course is for you if you...
Recognise the importance of creating a self-care practice that supports your inner rhythm.
Want to feel like the Queen of your own domain; the authority in your life.
Crave more sacred ritual, sisterhood & mindfulness.
Are passionate about elevating cycle awareness & period positivity in the world.
Know that you’re ready to start syncing your cycle with your life & feel ready to make these positive changes.
Simply feel an inner YES to this course!
Loving yourself isn't vanity. It is sanity.

Questions & Answers
+ How much time will I need to invest in the course each week?
You'll need approx. 2 hours a week to read or listen to the lessons, do your charting, enjoy the meditations and share in the community.
+ My cycle isn't 28 days long. It's longer / shorter / erratic! Does that matter?
Not at all. By getting to know each phase of your cycle more intimately, you'll soon realise that cyclic self-care is not only possible for you, but can bring much harmony to a less-consistent flow.
+ How is the course delivered?
Everything is delivered digitally over email, video, audio & PDF. You'll need an email address and a computer or smartphone to access the content. Printing the 'Menstrual Map' to chart your cycle is recommended.
+ Will you be running this course again?
This is a self-study course which means you can enrol and take the course at anytime. You'll receive a welcome email upon enrolment and your first course lesson the following day.
+ How is this course different from your courses Flow or Optimise?
FLOW teaches you how to journal your cycle and see patterns and Optimise connects you to the creativity potential of your menstrual cycle.
+ Does this course apply to women who don't have a menstrual cycle? eg. on the contraceptive pill, pregnant, breastfeeding, post-menopausal, trans women or experiencing amenorrhea?
I am learning more everyday about how I can be more inclusive of others in this work. This course is for anyone who has (or has had) a period or who identifies as a woman. The content of the teachings is grounded in the experience of a 'natural' menstrual cycle, ie. ovulating and menstruating so an experience of a menstrual cycle (present or past) will help with integration.
+ Will you be teaching fertility awareness in this course?
No. This is not a course designed to teach fertility awareness or provide information on natural conception or contraception. Radiate will guide you to check in with your body on many levels, which is very useful information that can sit alongside fertility charting.
+ My currency isn't pounds. Can I still take the course?
For sure! When you make payment using PayPal, the currency will automatically be converted to your own.
+ I have a personal question, can I email you privately?
Please! You're welcome to contact me via my contact form.
+ Where can I sign up to your newsletter?
You can sign up here and receive a collection of free menstrual cycle resources.

Feedback & Testimonials