Have a question or request?
+ I’m looking for a coach.
I’m gratefully booked out right now and not taking new clients. My newsletter is the best place to stay updated on when spots open.
+ Can I interview you?
Maybe! Please use the form above to enquire. Audio and video are preferred.
+ Will you speak at my event?
Sounds fun! Please use the form above to send across details of your event, including budget.
+ Will you write an article for my platform?
Please find fee details on my media page (link: clairebaker.com/media) and use the form above to tell me more about your idea.
+ Can you give me some advice?
I am unable to give free advice over email. However I have a collection of free resources (link: clairebaker.com/free-class) you might find useful and many affordable online courses (link: clairebaker.com/courses) that come with plenty of direct support from me.
+ Will you promote my thing?
I don’t do paid or sponsored posts. If you have a product that you think my community would genuinely love, please use the form above to let us know about it.