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Start to Chart:
Discover the the seasons of your cycle for more clarity, ease & flow
In this brand new 20-minute video class you’ll learn the life-changing foundations of charting your menstrual cycle. This fun and engaging class is packed with practical how-to tips and insights that you can implement right away, whether you’re just embarking on your menstrual cycle awareness journey or you’ve been waving the period power flag for sometime!
Printable inner seasons cycle charts
A colour-coded chart for you to stick on the fridge (great for sharing this information with friends and family) and a couple for you to print out and scribble all over, cycle after cycle after cycle.
Menstrual Cycle 101 guide
Hormones. We’ve probably all complained about them at some point, but what do they actually do and how do they affect us week-to-week? If you didn’t learn this stuff in school (or didn’t realise how much you needed to know it back then), this short guide will help you understand what’s going on in your body each month.
Email support from me
You’ll also receive email support from me twice a month. These emails include fun stuff like personal updates, course discounts, workshops in your area, new blog posts, coaching opportunities, playlists, things I’m loving and more.
“I watched your free class the other day and it has absolutely changed the way I feel about my cycle in such a positive way! This is great work you’re doing.”
— Chelsea
Okay, it’s free stuff time
Both your privacy & inbox are respected here, promise.