Claire Baker

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9 More Delicious, Life Changing Books For You

We're an intelligent, soulful and creative bunch of book-lovers around these parts, aren't we? Yeah, we may be  immersed in the digital age of social media, blogging and instant information, but we're still devotees to the printed word and tangible pages of a real life BOOK. 

Last July (was it really that long ago?!), I shared with you 10 books that have changed my life, so to deepen your devotion and keep the non-fiction fire burning (I really have been trying to read more fiction! Any epic recommendations totally welcome...), here's 9 more of those life changing books for you.

Also: I've just set up an affiliate account with Amazon, which makes it really easy for you to buy these books (if they take your fancy) straight away, plus I get a wee throwback if you do purchase through these links.

1. Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington

I naturally value personal experience and intuition over scientific "cold hard evidence" (to the frustration of my facts-loving little sister!) but I was totally mesmerised and inspired by the depth of research in Thrive that points to (over and over again) the need for us (as individuals and as a society) to prioritise wellbeing, wisdom and wonder if we are going to move forward successfully and sustainably. Arianna just gets it. This book is one to come back to again and again.

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2. Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue by Neale Donald Walsch

I randomly took this book off my parent's bookshelf while I was at home over Christmas - and did not put it down. This is quite literally a conversation with God, as told through the pen of Neale Donald Walsch. This book answered a lot of questions I'd had around manifesting/Law of Attraction/The Universe and how that all aligns with my Christian beliefs. Everyone I've since recommended it to has been mesmerised as well... So brilliant.

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3. The Queen's Code by Alison Armstrong

Without a doubt, this book has transformed not only my romantic relationship but also my relationship with pretty much every man in my life. It has helped to heal some old wounds ("ohhhhh so THAT'S why he did that!") and it has given me a deeper understanding and appreciation for the innate differences between men and women - and how we can use these to our advantage, together.

Harmonious, intimate, clarity-fuelled relationships without emasculation, manipulation, nagging or power struggles? YES. Also, Alanis Morissette recommends this book, so you know it's good. ;-)

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4. The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield

Resistance, anyone? Procrastination? Self doubt? Fear? Ahhhh, DO read this book. Pressfield will guide you to become "Pro", reclaim your creative prowess and get shit done. I love the super rad mini-essay format that is succinct, potent and seriously butt-kicking. I recommend this book to my clients all the time!

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5. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny by Robin Sharma

So my boyfriend and I listened to this book a few months ago (I love audio books too!) and we've both gone back to it multiple times.

Actually, I recently recommended this book to a girlfriend whose husband was going through a bit of a rough patch and he LOVED. So it's a great read for the dudes in our life too. Sharma's narrative style is refreshing to read/listen to and his "stripped back philosophies" are so digestible with a perfect balance of woo-woo and practical advice.

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6. Wild Creative: Igniting Your Passion and Potential in Work, Home, and Life by Tami Lynn Kent

I'm currently reading this book and I reckon I've highlighted a paragraph on every page thus far! Taking the powerful perspective that creativity is the most divine expression of the engagement of masculine and feminine energy, this book aims to restore creative practice in our lives, at every level. The result? More abundance, radiance, success, flow and sweet satisfaction. Yeah - I'm pretty sure this book was written for me!

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7. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed 

Cheryl Strayed is one brave, brazen, beautiful woman. I read this book in one day while I was on a solo retreat in Bali about 18 months ago and was just blown away - how could this crazy story be TRUE?!

This book is entertaining, awe-inspiring, poetic, moving, challenging and deeply personal. The recent screen adaptation starring Reese Witherspoon is actually quite wonderful too! But... Do read the book first. :)

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8. High: A Party Girl's Guide To Peace by Tara Bliss

Listening to High (another audio book recommendation here!) is truly an experience; intimate insights are intertwined with potent lessons and lashings of love. Having had the helping hand of Tara whilst navigating my way "out of the party" a few years ago, I couldn't recommend her wisdom and words more if I tried.

You can find the audio book version of Highhere and be sure to listen to the audio interview that Tara and I did recently together  - juicy-ness galore.

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9. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex by John Gray

It probably comes with age and experience (and LOTS of mistakes), but I have never before had such a conscious romantic relationship that prioritises open and honest communication, in the way that my man Andrew and I do now. He is my biggest teacher, mirror and source of growth - our relationship is constantly evolving and illuminating Who I Am.

So it came as no surprise, that although I had picked up this book with the intention to understand him better, it ended up shedding more light on ME. I finished this book with a much better understanding of my needs, desires and communication patterns. Which is INVALUABLE for any relationship - romantic or otherwise. This book is a classic for a reason!

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Tell me in the comments, have you read any of these beauties? What did you think of them? And all wicked book recommendations welcome - let's share the love my fellow book worms!