Claire Baker

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Freedom, Balance & Greatness: Why I'm Taking A Break From My Blog


Balance. Freedom. Peace. Creativity. Greatness. This is where my head's been at the last week. Non-stop. Trying to figure out what these words, these ideals mean to me. How they exist in my life. How I WANT them to exist in my life. Do you think about these kinds of things too?

If you're subscribed to my weekly love letter (and I hope you are) you'll know that last week I spoke about freedom and the importance of finding your freedom amidst life's so-called obligations.

Freedom is satisfying, releasing and enabling. It is essential, don't you think?

I explained to my readers that I'm currently working part-time while I focus on study, coaching and building this blog and my business. I'm also about to start yoga teacher training. Priorities are being sorted. Freedom is being both fought and found.

I'll get to the point.

I've been posting on here a few times a week for 4 months now and so far, it's all come naturally, easily and joyously. I swore from the beginning that I would never post anything I didn't believe in. I am never going to press publish just for the hell of it or because I feel I have to. Thing is, I'm in a love/hate relationship with patterns and processes, routine and schedule right now.

I love this space so much! I have fallen back in love with writing, I've connected with some incredible souls and I have opened my heart and my mind in so many ways. In just a third of a year, so much has changed. I am enormously grateful.

I'll be honest with you though. In the last week, I have felt anxious, uneasy and a little stress-y when thinking about sitting down and writing on here.But I said I'd post wellness things on a Wednesday? I promised myself I'd post three times next week. What will my readers think?


I want to feel organic, not obligated. My blog calendar has kept me accountable and blogging frequently but I want to write from my heart and give you quality content, not press publish just because it's the day I tend to post.

And the interesting thing is, I have never felt so inspired to put pen to paper. I have had big, beautiful ideas in my head that I am longing to write about that I just haven't felt I have had the space to write them in. I need to pull back, experiment, expand and change things up.

I know my creativity requires structure and systems but most importantly, it requires space.


So how to create this space? Well for the past week or so I have been trying to create space by chasing balance. Ah, elusive and temporary balance.

Emails read and answered, lectures listened to, notes taken, yoga attended, cardio completed, family time spent, room clean and organised, social life thriving, meditation in the mornings, in bed by 10pm, three square meals eaten, whole foods only, green juices drunk, hair done, legs shaved, clothes washed, eyelashes tinted, phone calls answered, social media updated, newsletter sent, acupuncture received, stress relieved…You get the picture?

Well… In the words of Danielle La Porte, 'striving for balance will derail your plans for greatness'. Constantly aiming for a balanced lifestyle, all the ducks in a row, everything ticked off and shiny, polished and watered, with 8 hours of sleep a night to boot - it's exhausting. If you're aiming for greatness (and I hope you are) then by striving for perfection you could forgetting your purpose.


I don't desire it all. I don't need it all. I don't even want it all. But I do want do big things. I want to be the best coach, writer, sister, friend and daughter that I can be. I want to pour myself into my passions.

So long story short, in order to create some space for the big stuff, spend more quality time with my family, get stuck into my studies and give my clients my undivided attention, I am taking a break from my blog for a few weeks. Finding some freedoms.I'll still be sharing an interview with you on Fridays and I'll hanging out on Facebook (because I'll be missing you!) so make sure you've liked my page.

But the most exciting news is that I have some seriously clever, inspiring and wonderful guest bloggers lined up to continue to share the love over here while I'm taking a little blog break. I've got a Gypsetter living the dream, an English Acupuncturist, a Yoga Teacher/Writer/Awesome Human, an ex-boyfriend (turned best mate) and some blogger babes/soul sisters you are just going to love.  I adore each and every one of them (and every word they write) and I have a feeling it's going to be a fun few weeks on the blog.See you on the other side!


Tell me, is there an area of your life that you know you need to pull back on in order to create space for something else? Or even to give it the time and attention it truly deserves? Let me know in the comments!

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