Claire Baker

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Getting High with Tara Bliss: Purpose, resistance, fear, creativity... And writing a best selling book

I can't quite tell you exactly what date it was in July 2012, but one day - after a big, alcohol-fuelled weekend - I'd had enough. I shed a few tears about 'not knowing what I wanted to do with my life' and I made the simple decision to make a change; I emailed Tara Bliss.

And this divine woman became my life coach. 

At the time, Tara had literally just started to coach part time - I was one of her first clients - and now almost three years later, the woman is a best selling author on Amazon, a kundalini yoga teacher and was heralded in Elle Magazine as one of Australia's top life coaches.

I've written here and here about my decision to shift my relationship with alcohol over the past few years and it's no secret that Tara became an instrumental force in guiding me towards a life ripe with passion, clarity, energy and a clear head. I will always be grateful to her for that and I am proud to call her a friend today.

Which is why I am humbled beyond belief and bursting with excitement to be bringing you this chat we had earlier this year, right after the launch of her best selling book High: A Party Girl's Guide To Peace.

In this epic interview, we chat about:

+ Our relationship transition from blogger/reader (fan girl) to coach/client to - sisters.

+ How Tara found the courage to "leave a normal job" and become a coach.

+ Insights from her journey, including asking herself the question "Am I ever going to find my purpose?" and teaching her friends how to meditate as a teenager.

+ Starting a blog: "I'm always so encouraging for people to start a blog, because you never know what it will create out of you." Um, YES.

+ Fear. Lots of thoughts around fear.

+ THIS: "Whatever you think you are with a drink in your hand... You are already these things without it."

+ I talk about my experience trading identities from 'The Party Girl' to 'The Health Coach' and then rebelling against THAT! :) (And why Tara thinks I'm being too hard on myself hehe)

+ Why we often 'let ourselves go' when we embark on a spiritual path (and why that's OK too) and how to reclaim and honour our feminine beauty practices and raise those vibrations!

+ Creativity and alcohol: Tara's thoughts on 'the wasted artist', shifting beliefs and how she cultivates creativity today. THIS is awesome.

+ Why writing High was hard work at times, her insights on resistance and 'defying her creativity'.

+ Embracing sobriety and how her feelings around that.

+ And how to deal when your partner still wants to get pissed and party on the weekends - and you don't.

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Getting High with Tara Bliss

Click play to listen.Or right click here to download the MP3.

All in all, it's a stellar interview and if you're hankering to find out more about Tara's best seller High, you can do so right here. I'm an affiliate for the audio book which I recommend HIGH-LY (see what I did there?) as it's an instant download and listening to Tara bring the book to life is pretty special.

You can also find the hardcopy on Amazon, Fishpond and Book Depository.

Finally, if you've got a book idea that you'd like to bring to life, Tara's Oh Hi, I'm An Author workshops are in full swing around the country and you can find all the details for those right here. I'm heading along to her Sunshine Coast workshop! Maybe there's a book brewing inside me too... :)

I can't wait to hear your thoughts and revelations in the comments below - and this is one to SHARE friends... You know what to do.