Claire Baker

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The Gratitude Files 1.0

Gratitude. I truly believe it is the number one key to authentic happiness. Being truly thankful is the answer to lack, dissatisfaction and striving endlessly for more in life.

When we stop looking outside ourselves for happiness and success and acknowledge the blessings, abundance and good in our lives, life gets bigger, brighter and more beautiful.

 It opens our hearts and breeds positivity. It's graceful. I live for the stuff. 

Want to know a secret? Every single morning before I've even opened my eyes, I think of 5 things I am grateful for and say THANK YOU.

Whenever I'm feeling lack, stress, sadness or frustration, I write in my journal a list of all the blessings and love in my life. I never find it difficult to think of something to feel grateful for; my family, friends, bubble baths, random acts of compassion and generosity, yoga and medjool dates feature regularly on my list. I instantly get my appreciation pants back on and feel ah-mazing.

So this folks, will be the first of many Gratitude Files. Things of delicious wonder that are making my heart sing and bringing smiley-ness into my life. 


 1. Perth Sunsets

It's still not getting old watching the sun set over the ocean. So cool. Just one of the awesome things about living on the west side. They are simply stunning; vibrant pinks, yellows, reds and blues. We've been spending lots of evenings lately on the sand (with or without fish and chips), watching the sun slip behind the water and ending the day on an absolute high.


 2. The Raw Kitchen

OMG I love love love this place. Imagine nachos, decadent cheesecake, pizza, smoothies and juices that are all raw, vegan, gluten and sugar free. Unprocessed, uncooked, unaltered, wholesome and natural food. I've converted a few sceptical peeps to the raw food bandwagon with a delicious feast at this haven in Fremantle! A big YES.


3. Oprah and Deepak 21 Day Meditation Challenge

Confession time. I kind of expected this challenge to be a bit dull and something I'd do for a few days, get bored with and forget about it. Not so! I've been blown away by how much I've learnt through the guided meditations, how easy I've found them to listen to and how much I've enjoyed jumping out of bed in the mornings, popping my earphones in and settling in to Deepak's soothing and inspiring words. A brilliant start to the day.


 5. Weekend trips to the Farmer's Markets

The Farmer's Markets here in Perth are superb. I'm a big fan of the Subiaco Farmer's Markets on Saturdays and the Grower's Green Farmer's Market in Fremantle on Sundays, where these photos were taken. These ones are extra special. Think fairy forest mixed with organic goodness, live music and scrumptious local treats with some face paint thrown in for good measure and you've got the vibe. Mega cool.


 4. This Rawsome Vegan Life's Raw Carrot Cake Recipe

OK so I haven't actually made this yet, but it's on the list of foods to whip up this Easter weekend and holywowyesplease I can't wait to make it. I'm thinking cupcakes instead though. Check out the rest of this site too if you haven't already. It's creative, culinary, raw vegan genius. Big fan.


I'd love to hear what you're gettin' your gratitude on for this week! Please share in the comments below.