Breaking business records, success and behind the scenes of This is Lifeblood: Alice Nicholls interviews me!


Last month I celebrated my one year anniversary since leaving my "day job" and launching into the world of full time self-employment. And so far, so good! Actually, it really is just SO good.

I love working for myself. I love my clients, I love creating and writing and coaching and at this point in my life, I can't imagine going back to work for anyone else. The feeling of supporting myself 100% and the freedom this work provides for me... Leaves me a little speechless.

Well, that last part isn't entirely true because my incredibly successful and wonderful friend Alice Nicholls recently interviewed me for her latest online course Hello Blog Academy and I had a LOT to say!

Alice has generously allowed me to share our chat with YOU! I know (if you're interested in the "behind the scenes" of online business and success and blogging and coaching and creativity and all that delicious jazz) you'll get a lot from it. It's these types of honest conversations we need to be having MORE of in the online business world. (And perhaps less of the "I'm making six figures a year!!" without the rest of the story... You know?)

Alice and I talk about...

+ My "biggest" day in business yet after the launch of my eCourse Wild, Well & Creative and how it felt to break my own business record. And how I kind of wanted to throw it all in the day before launching. (Seriously!)

+ The 'flow' of my online business and the different 'faces' of my business over the past few years; from study to coaching to digital products, leaving my day job, hosting workshops, creating courses and more.

+ 'Raving fans' and what they mean for your business.

+ How I decide what to create to sell to the world.

+ How I validate my ideas before I begin to work on projects and offerings.

+ How I find a balance between my inner artist and my inner critic. 

+ Dealing with self doubt and the relationship between fear and creativity in our work.

+ What I feel are key components of creating success within an online business. 

+ What 'success' looks like for me. 

+ My thoughts around consistency, authenticity and showing up online.

Click below to play or click here to download and listen later.


 If you'd like to learn more about Hello Blog Academy, you can read all about it right here. (I'm not currently an affiliate, I just believe in Alice's work and am super proud to have contributed a small part to it!) 

Are you interested in working with me 1:1 as your coach? 

I've just opened up my books for 2016 for both my 3-month and 5-month packages. You can learn more here or send me an email to enquire.

And as I do every year, I'm offering one-off 90-minute AMPLIFY coaching sessions in December. The focus will be on amplifying, strengthening and expanding your life and dreams in 2016. There's only 12 spots available, so save your spot here now!

Remember, whatever your dream for your life is, whatever 'success' means to you, whatever you want to create... Now's the time to take that first step towards it. And I'm here, cheering you on!

As always, I'd love to hear from you in the comments. Were there any take-aways in this interview for you? What can you implement this week to take you one step closer to creating your dream life, expressing yourself through creativity and nurturing your success?

You've got this.

Big love!

Claire x

Ps. A BIG thanks to Alice for her generosity in sharing this interview with us!! What a legend!