Why You Don't Need To Be Calm and Collected All The Time
A couple of weeks ago, I caught myself thinking… “Wow, I’ve felt so stable and calm and lately. What’s up with that?” And then you know, the Chaotic Rollercoaster of Feelings hauled me back on board and off we went again!
This last week (particularly the blue moon-charged weekend we just had) has been about ALL the feels. Gratitude. Rage. Love. Fun. Sadness. Restlessness. Relentlessness. Grief. Peace. Pissed off. Joy. Completely full and happy.
And I know I’m not alone in this one.
We all get it. Those days when we feel like we might just drown in our very own Olympic sized pool of emotion. (Or glass cage, whatever works!)
So why do we think we’re the only ones who experience these intense emotional ups-and-downs?
One of the most common declarations my clients make in our first session together is… “I just want to feel more feminine. More calm and in control. You know, rational, stable and balanced.”
I can’t help but smile. I used to think exactly the same thing.
I figured that I just needed to find a way to be CALM all of the time. Then I’d feel better. You know, get my shit together… Banish the ups-and-downs and just live a totally care-free, controlled and chilled out existence.
Well sister, I’m here to tell you that’s (probably) a pipe dream.
You don’t need to be calm and collected all the time.
In fact, words like stable and sturdy and calm and logical… They're not feminine words.
They’re actually intensely masculine.
I know, right? Shock, horror!
But remember what I wrote recently about our cyclical nature?
Feminine energy is wonderfully chaotic. It’s flexible, irrational, dynamic, receptive, random and expressive.
Mysterious. Spontaneous. Adventurous.
And the strength of the masculine holds space for that. It’s like the container for our magic to move in and flow and expand and make a giant, delicious mess.
Because the thing about feminine energy is that it is beautifully intuitive and trusting.
So placing this pressure upon ourselves to feel calm and collected all the time?
It’s a pipe dream.
It ain’t gonna happen.
Your intuition is divine. Trust it.
Your natural state is flow. Ride it.
Your sensitivity is beautiful. Welcome it.
Your nurturing qualities are magnetic. Use them. (Preferably, on yourself!)
Your body is a messenger. Worship it.
Your sisters are your tribe. They get it.
Your creativity is your right. Express it.
Your ability to adapt is a gift. Work it.
Your sensuality is magnetic. Lean in.
And most importantly, your emotional expression is your power. FEEL IT.
Call me crazy. Call me emotional. Call me a woman.
I call it absolutely freaking beautiful.
So remember, we all get hauled onto the Chaotic Rollercoaster Of Feelings from time to time. And once we let go of the facade that we have our shit together all the time, the ride can actually be a helluva lotta fun - and quite revealing - and opens a portal to a wealth of wisdom and intelligence.
Feeling your emotional highs and lows won't kill you. So feel them.
And soon enough, you'll be feeling chilled as a cucumber again.
(And when things when super cray, you can always just write a LESS / MORE list - check mine out for this week!)
So my darling, THIS is the energy of my new online course Wild, Well & Creative. Getting to know who we are. Leaning into it. Expressing it. Worshiping it. An 8-week online course and community devoted to nurturing and expressing your unique creativity. You can read all about it here, watch the video and join us on this adventure! Enrolments close on the 13th August 2015.
Will you lean in?
And I’d love to hear from you in the comments… Do you ever wish you were more calm and collected? Or have you found a way to ride the waves as they come in? I’d love to hear from you!
Claire x