Easy Peasy Zucchini Pesto Pasta


I'm not really a pasta person. Never really have been. I just don't go weak at the knees for lasagne, gnocchi or linguine.

So when I ventured into the world of Gluten Free Living, it didn't phase me in the slightest that pasta was off the menu - I missed my morning oats and toast, but I'd take a salad or steak over spaghetti any day.

I do however, love the sauces and toppings that accompany pasta! I'll often top steamed veggies with a bolognese sauce - plus a generous serve of parmesan cheese. It makes a fabulous winter meal.

But in summer? I can't go past this Easy Peasy Zucchini Pesto Pasta. This dish serves up a crazy amount of green goodness, it's light and full of flavour and can be served alongside a juicy piece of grilled chicken or fish, or well and truly on its own.

NOTE: There are some pretty fancy gadgets out there that make the zucchini pasta for you, but I just use a julienne peeler and it works a treat!

You will need

3 medium zucchinis
1 bunch basil leaves
1 bunch parsley
1 clove garlic
Juice from 1 lemon
4 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup pine nuts or cashews
1 cup cherry tomatoes 

What to do

Pesto:In a food processor or high speed blender, blend the basil leaves (put some aside for garnish), parsley, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and nuts until mixed well. Will smell amazing at this point!

Using a julienne peeler or regular vegetable peeler, peel the zucchini into thin strips. Stir the pesto through the zucchini ‘pasta’ and top with cherry tomatoes and extra basil leaves for garnish.


Serves 4

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