Claire Baker

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Heroines with Heart: Ali Sims from Creatures of Commonplace

So excited for today's Heroine with Heart. May I introduce you all to Ali Sims from the sublime fashion blog Creatures of Commonplace. Ali's a Perth girl too and I stumbled upon her gorgeous Instagram a few months ago and fell in love. Seems like a few others have too - say like, 12,000 loyal followers!

Ali's style is flawless, her skin is radiant, her body is B A N G I N' and her commitment to - and interaction with - her online tribe is divine. Her personal stories and reflections tie in so beautifully with her gorgeous images and after a scroll through her online world, you kind of, just like, want to be her friend. Not only because she'd help you look a million bucks every time you went out, but because she oozes genuine, enthusiastic passion. And I love me some of that! Plus, behind the glam, I know how much work it takes to get a creative venture like this off the ground.

Ali, you're killing it. Everyone, enjoy! x

+ Let’s dive straight in. Tell us, what makes up your lifeblood? 

I think in a work sense my passion is my website - I love that it pushes me to do things that I’m not entirely comfortable with like attending an event with people I don’t know or learning about the technical stuff like web design or photography. I also love to write, it usually ends up being something totally random on my posts, my thought process to an outfit etc. In the general sense I’m passionate about travelling and going to discover new places. I get to combine the two by capturing these moments on my camera to share with others.

+ Eleanor Roosevelt said, ‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams’, and I agree. What’s your beautiful dream? 

I don’t think my beautiful dream is anything too creative or crazy. I just want to be really happy with someone I love and trust. I want to surround myself with people who inspire me. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a career travelling the world and blogging. That all sounds like a pretty beautiful dream to me!

+ What benefits has prioritising a healthy lifestyle had on your life?

In the past 6 months I’ve really tried to actively look into how I nourish and treat my body. I’ve recently discovered Pilates and I am obsessed! I used to have a gym membership but I was never motivated to go and didn’t push myself when I was there. I love outdoor activities like sand-boarding or going to the beach, I’ve recently picked up learning to surf. Prioritising a healthy lifestyle gets you out and about and you experience more and feel great about yourself at the same time.

+ Exploring, breaking the routine, bending the rules… How do you ensure you maintain an element of playfulness and adventure in your everyday happenings?

I hate to say it - I do love my weekly exercise routine - but I’ll happily break it to go to the beach for some fun. It’s also always a bit of an adventure trying to find local places for photo shoots for the blog.

+ What’s the best advice you’ve been given - and who gave it to you?

“Don’t be a victim” courtesy of my Mum, it’s really her way of reminding me not to sit there and feel sorry for myself when something has got me down. Everyone goes through tough times but it’s how you move forward from the situation that counts.

What’s your favourite…

1. Travel destination: Currently New Zealand

2. Blog:4th and Bleeker for sure.

3. Breakfast: Soy milk, berry and avocado smoothie.

4. Quote: Opportunity looks a lot like hard work.

+ What role does creativity play in your life and how do you honour it?

I’m always doing something creative. I think if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be happy. I guess it’s why I studied marketing. I also love to paint, draw, brainstorm ideas for my website and dance. Creativity makes you appreciate what you can achieve.

+ How has having a blog changed things for you?

At first it was difficult to balance the blog with work and friends/family but now I’ve kind of gotten the hang of it. I generally see friends/family on my weekends or for dinner and fit the blogging in during the week after work. It sounds like a lot and at times it gets overwhelming but I wouldn’t have it any other way because I love doing it.

+ What message does your one-year-from-now-self have for you?

Don’t take things too personally or seriously. Relax and enjoy the ride. [Claire's note: YES!!)

+ Can you share with us your secret indulgence? 

I’m obsessed with Cadbury Old Gold mint dark chocolate. It is incredible, I can’t stop eating it!

Ali Sims is the creative founder of fashion blog Creatures of Commonplace, a site devoted to raving (and sometimes ranting) about the latest fashion and beauty movements. We are all Creatures of Commonplace until we discover our unique style and sense of purpose. You can connect with Ali on her blog, Facebook or Instagram @creaturesof.

Yeah! Man, I love my Heroines with Heart. Such. Rad. Chicks. Tell me, what was your fave part of this interview with the gorgeous Ali?