Some updates, thoughts on balance & why I stopped going to yoga

I know we hear this all the time and I cringe every time I say it... But are we in May? Really? What the what?

So far, 2014 - without sounding like a Negative Nancy - has been hectic. Chaotic. Dishevelled. Up-in-the-air. I feel like my feet have barely touched the ground. Routine? What is this routine you speak of?

Have you felt it too?

But ahhhhh May has come with a fresh, grounded energy that I am sinking right into. Lapping it up. It feels gooooood.

So today I thought we could...

a) Catch up!

b) Share some ideas on balance and recommitment

c) Tell you all about why I stopped going to yoga.

Let me bring you up to speed...

I shared a few personal tidbits with my tribe in my newsletter a few weeks ago (make sure you're signed up my friend), but in short there's been ginormous family stuff go down, travel, weddings, death, illness (and other health related bumps in the road), funerals, babies, births and boyfriends.

Basically, life happened. As it tends to do, ha!

And thus, these events have seen my energy and focus shift. Life Commitments that I had previously labelled as 'non negotiable' and had 'all the time in the world for', were suddenly thrown off the To Do list with vigour. (HINT: I'm talking about yoga here).

My 'balance' was abruptly thrown off kilter.

Actually, let's talk about balance. No, let's WATCH Danielle La Porte talk about balance. (Seriously, watch it).

See what Danielle is saying here about the CURRENT proportion of your life? I love it! Sometimes (actually, most of the time), the need for intense focussed energy in one area, means other areas of our life will slip down the priority list.

We can't be everything to everyone all the time. Write that down. Or tweet it.

It is a disservice to others and to ourselves if we spread ourselves too thin and pretend that even though X is taking a heckofalot of energy right now, we can still attend to Y with the same passion and enthusiasm that we had last week.

So what does this have to do with yoga?

If you've been following for awhile, you'll know that I started my Yoga Teacher Training in July last year. I was so so so so so committed. I was attending class 4-5 times a week, assisting once a week and reading yoga book upon yoga book, fully immersing myself in my practice. It was a beautiful time.

But then, I kinda sorta fell in love. (!!!)

I kinda sorta got super super busy with coaching clients. (!!!)

I kinda sorta had some huge 'family stuff' happen on the other side of the country that I had to zip home for.

I kinda sorta started writing this rad eBook (not long to go now - you're going to LOVE it), which has turned into an absolute MAMMOTH piece of work.

And hence...

I kinda sorta stopped enjoying assisting in class, which started affecting my own practice.

I found myself massively pulling back. So I did. My teacher was of course incredibly understanding and all is good. I've still been practicing a little at home and I know I'll go back when I'm ready; when my energy and enthusiasm is there.

I'll go back when the current proportion of my life makes that energy available to me. It's coming, soon. 

And then, I will recommit. Because as Gay Hendricks says...

“The art of commitment should really be called the art of recommitment. Commitment gets you started and propels you through the  early stages of any game, but it is recommitment that ignites your reserves when you feel like you’re going to give up… Those moments of low energy are inevitable when you’re on a quest for any worthy goal. The saving move in that moment is to renew your commitment… It doesn’t need to be a big deal. It simply means that you need to recommit to what you’ve chosen to be here for

Aahhhhh, yes. Thank you Gay. It's all very well and good to commit to yoga, commit to blogging once a week, commit to quitting sugar, commit to a social media detox, commit to whatever the heck we like, but the real power lies in the moments where we must choose to recommit.

Where we acknowledge the current proportion of our life and refocus our energy accordingly. 

Accept that life happens. Accept that the current proportion of your life may very well be influencing where your energy goes and flows and that you can't be everything to everyone all the time.

But remember the power in recommitment and TRUST in the process. You know, I have a feeling my relationship with yoga is going to benefit massively from a little time away and a butt-load of recommitment.

Great to catch up! Now, your turn! Tell me in the comments...

a) What have you been up to?

b) What's the current proportion of your life right now?

c) What can you recommit to? 

Can't wait to hear!

Claire x