Heroines with Heart: Nat Kringoudis


If there’s a lady that embodies the essence and truth behind what this segment is all about - women who are leading with heart, working hard from a a soul-centred space to bring fruition to their mission - it’s Natalie Kringoudis. As a Natural Fertility Educator, Acupuncturist, Author and Speaker, Nat has without a doubt positively - and drastically - influenced the shape of my life and health over the past year or so. Initially her blog inspired me to discontinue the contraceptive pill and then provided a wealth of information and support when things didn’t quite go as planned. And it’s not just me - through her blog, business, books, live events and online programs, Nat's leading a whole new generation of women who are choosing nourishing, natural wellness and fertile health over modern medicine’s (often) obsession with over-medication and gently reminding us our bodies are savvier, smarter and stronger than we often give them credit for. Yep, trail-blazer. In person, she’s a delight! Crazy amounts of energy and enthusiasm - and such a babe. I was honoured to share my story with Nat on her site in a video interview recently and I’m bloody thrilled to have her gorgeous face on my blog today. Enjoy!

+ Let’s dive straight in. Tell us, what makes up your lifeblood?

Making women well!  I’m totally in love with it.  It’s high time we debunked many of the myths around women’s wellbeing (hello my first e-course Debunking Ovulation) – there are far too many of these misconceptions floating around and I’m mad for a good ‘de-myth!’  I started out in the ‘baby making’ business, which quickly extended to needing to shake women up at a young age to really understand their bodies better and what their own body was communicating to them.  It’s not easy fixing things that are long broken.  Getting in from the get go, when women are diagnosed with PCOS or endometriosis or other hormone imbalances, is key. That’s my mission and I chose to accept it!

+ Eleanor Roosevelt said, ‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.’ What’s your beautiful dream? 

More than anything, I want to be that girl who changes the way women view their bodies.  You know, to not hate on their period (because there’s nothing to hate when it is symptom free!), or to fear fertility (because once you understand yourself, there’s nothing to be afraid of). To understand that this is their one body – and it is imperative it’s well cared for.  To appreciate what fertility really means – because we all hopefully now know, it’s not just about making babies (if my message is getting out there!!) but about having a body that’s rocking along in the hormone department.

+ What benefits has prioritising a healthy lifestyle had on your life?

I was that girl with excruciating period pain, with the horrid diet, acne, stressed, with the abnormal cells on my cervix… these have all been the catalyst to who I am today.  But without these lessons, I wouldn’t be here today spreading this beautiful message.

Wellness is a journey. It’s not like you reach an ‘end point’ but it’s what you do along the ride that counts and paves the way for the future for sure. 

I’ve turned my life around, health wise. I’m living proof that these hurdles don’t have to be the end of health.  Our bodies are so clever and have the ability to heal on every level.


+ Exploring, breaking the routine, bending the rules… How do you ensure you maintain an element of playfulness and adventure in your everyday happenings?

Oh I bend rules. I’m human honey! But I bend them in ways that benefit my health and there lies the adventure! You know – like making sure I look after my skin but hardly ever wearing sunscreen. That’s breaking ‘the rules’ right?  I have a method – I’m not being irresponsible when I say this.  I eat my sunscreen (hello omega’s and coconut oil) and I don’t lie out in the sun forever and a day but appreciate how good Vitamin D is to help keep my body balanced.

I have a huge longing for adventure.  When wellness becomes second nature, the rest just happens.

Of course I have to be diligent when I can be. We were in Hawaii last month and food choices were hard. I ended up going without at times because there wasn’t anything suitable to eat. But when I found something good, I pigged out. It’s all about adapting and not beating yourself up too.

+ What’s the best advice you’ve been given - and who gave it to you?

When my son was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, friends of ours in the same situation said “you need to follow your gut feeling on this one” and it’s always stuck.  Not just for Geordie (my son) but also for me.  Everything I do, I do by instinct.  It’s never, ever wrong.

What’s your favourite…

+ Travel destination: Greece. HANDS DOWN!

+ TED talk: Hackschooling makes me happy!  This kid had me CAPTIVATED.

+ Blog: Sarah Wilson – love that girl!  She wrote the forward to my ebook – there’s a lot to love about her and her message.

+ Breakfast: EGGS!!

+ Quote:  Be the change you wish to see in the world.

+ What role does creativity play in your life and how do you honour it?

Writing allows me to be creative.  I also love being social as part of being creative.  I’m known to throw a dinner party just so I have an excuse in the kitchen to be creative!

+ How has having a blog changed things for you?

It’s allowed not only for me to spread my message worldwide, but to connect with some pretty amazing people.  Plus, it’s satisfied my need to communicate.  I just love to share.

+ What message does your one-year-from-now-self have for you?

Keep on keeping on.  It’s more of the same for the next year as far as I see it!  But come back and ask me in a year!  It’s really about honouring myself and being true to my cause.  And not to let anybody else tell me otherwise.

+ Can you share with us your secret indulgence?I love nothing more than painted nails.  You’ll rarely find them unpainted.Um and shopping!  In any way shape or form.  It’s therapeutic on so many levels!


Natalie Kringoudis is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist, Natural Fertility Educator and Author.  She’s also the owner of The Pagoda Tree, a hub for natural fertility & women’s health in Australia. She recognised the large gap between conventional medicine and supporting wellness and has developed a unique style to natural fertility – integrating the western medical approach with alternative therapies, Chinese medicine and natural fertility methods.  Natalie has accepted the task of inspiring wellness, not only to those embarking on becoming parents, but equally important to her, educating young women of how their choices shape their reproductive health.  She believes this is the key to addressing the infertility epidemic.  For Natalie, fertility isn’t just about babies, it’s about outstanding health.  Her knowledge in fertility and natural medicine has regularly features in major publications, including Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan as well as regular TV appearances as a wellness expert.