HEROINES WITH HEART: Tara Bliss of Such Different Skies



You know when you make a decision that is SO totally out of your comfort zone it both scares the crap out of you and excites you at the same time because you have that persistent feeling that life is about to change in ways you haven't yet dreamt of? That is how I felt when I emailed Tara Bliss last year to enquire about her life coaching services. I had read her blog Such Different Skies for quite some time; I admired her passion, devoured her words and resonated with her story. This creative goddess is a dreamer with her feet firmly planted on the ground, she is wild and centred, vulnerable and strong. Tara has supported me as I've shed my layers, encouraged me to become curious about myself and left me feeling loved, empowered and most importantly, feeling like ME again. Her 6 week e-course Party Girl's Guide to Peace (which kicks off again soon) helped me shift the last of my party girl habits and I know I will come back to this course again and again to continue to release any blocks in my life. I am so proud to call this gorgeous girl my friend. Basically, I love her to bits and I know you will too.


So, first things first. What is your dream?

To live a life fuelled by spirit and unwavering enthusiasm.  To fall asleep every night knowing that I showed up for day just gone authentically and as uniquely Tara Bliss-ly as I possibly could have.  To answer creative callings.  To give freely.  To laugh loudly.  To love profusely.  To give young women the world over HOPE, and to watch as their joy rises.They're simple, humble dreams, but don't be fooled- they're game-changers!

What makes up your lifeblood?

Creativity, generosity, love and synchronicity.  Straight in the veins baby, give it to me. [click here to tweet this!]

What has been your biggest fear to date to overcome?

Fears of a lack of both money and love plagued me in my teens and early twenties.  I've always been quite independent, and moved out of home at 16.  Having to fend for myself and essentially cover my own ass had me hustling hardcore just so I could eat, pay the rent and of course graduate high school.  And like most women, I wondered how, oh how, could anyone love me?  Why me?  I'm too tall.  Too awkward.  Too much of a tomboy.  I'm not pretty or interesting enough…

I'm happy to say that that is most certainly a past life of mine now. Self-diggin' was without a doubt the turning point for me.  Slowly but oh-so surely I learnt to love this amazonian vehicle, equipped with it's super long legs and gapped teeth and freckles!  Self-love in itself can be a fear for many women- and I understand that- but sister girls, it's worth the journey (and the tears!).

Being healthy means that I…

Make a moment-to-moment decision to connect in with and consciously respond to my body and it's needs and desires.

Some days that means 3 green juices and Pilates barre and hours of meditation. On others, it means barely getting out of bed. Above said amazonian vehicle needs to be tended to, nurtured and loved- not restricted, or forced to do anything.


To me, the word 'healing' means…

Ohmigosh!  It means 'remembering'.  It means, returning to totality.  It means PRESENCE.  It means: softening.

Where is your ultimate travel destination? 

Depends on the day babe!  Sometimes I long to be back in the Japanese alps, digging myself out of waist deep powder.  Other times I day dream about traipsing around New York City, or volunteering my way through Asia.

I happen to think that where I live (Burleigh Heads) is absolute paradise!  Every time I have to leave Burleigh I get a little pissed off- THAT is how much I love the place.

What DRIVES you?

My soul.  There's so much left for me to understand about it.  My soul holds the key to everything; my life purpose, the people I need to be working with, what lights me up, makes me laugh.  What resonates with me, makes my blood boil.  What brings out the LOVE in me.  The SOUL journey is the most magnificent journey of all, and I feel so blessed and appreciative to be on a journey like this at only 26.

Choosing love over fear means…

That you're creating a life worth remembering.


I feel really creative when I...

Come off the back of my weekly ritual, Self Centred Sundays.  Every week I dedicate one whole day to ridiculous self care, and every single Monday, I bounce out of bed, ready to take on the world.  Self-care = Up-leveled creativity

If you could tell your 14 year old self one thing, what would it be?

Sister girl, I love you.  I think about you ALL the time.  I am proud of you.

Can you share with us your guilty pleasure?

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I don't associate those words together!  You're either divulging in guilt OR pleasure, and I choose the latter.  Chocolate covered goji berries for the win!

Tara Bliss is a spirit-fueled coach and healer, motivational speaker, and creator of The Party Girls Guide to Peace.

Her mission? To kick-start an avalanche of gutsy, fear-busting confidence and love (all with a side serve of swagger)! Think of her as your crystal-toting, skateboard-riding, raw-dessert-loving lumière, unveiling the path to peace and freedom. Her original medicine? Fierce and curious vulnerability. It’s time to embrace self-love. Seize adventure. Revel in unconventionality. Connect with Tara at Such Different Skies, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@tara_bliss).


WOW! Pretty cool huh? What is ONE thing that really resonated with you in this interview?

Let me know in the comments!