Love Letters, Newsletters & Permission to Unsubscribe From What Doesn't Serve You


One of my favourite things about having a blog (of which there are many) is writing my regular 'love letters' or e-newsletter if you will. Every fortnight I sit down and tap away at my keyboard to you - my gorgeous readers - with an update of what's been goin' down at This is Lifeblood.

I always write these emails with a tad more playfulness than my blog posts and in a far more 'spur of the moment' style of writing, which is fun and open and works for me. I find it such a personal, authentic way to connect with you and update you with whats going on in my world and on the blog or just send some loving encouragement/recipes/tips/advice/rad YouTube videos/inspiring quotes your way.

What's even better is when I discover that something I have written has landed in someone's inbox at just the right time.

Last week, I received an email from one of my beautiful readers, Genevieve...

Hi Claire,

I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your last email... I've been working so much the last two years I realised today that I have no idea how to relax anymore, without doing productive things that are technically work.

I get about 40 emails a day from various things I've signed up for and am currently unsubscribing from all of them, to reduce the busyness in one part of my life that seriously doesn't need to be busy.

Your newsletter is the only one I'm keeping!

Great message, received loud and clear exactly when I needed it.

Have a beautiful weekend!


This made my day! *insert happy dance*

So. I personally sign up to a lot of newsletters regularly, I read a lot religiously and I unsubscribe to many.

I totally encourage you to unsubscribe from anything that doesn't serve you - and this includes my newsletter  - as it's so important to keep the flow of energy and inspiration into our lives positive, uplifting and relevant to who we are, where we are at in our life and where we want to go.

There is an abundance of free information available to us today at the tips of our fingertips and it really touches my heart to know that my message resonates with someone amidst the jungle of the blogosphere, social media, e-newsletters and the like.

The same goes for you too.

YOUR message, the one that only YOU can tell - it's waiting to be heard by someone who needs to hear exactly what you have to say.

So I thought I would share last week's 'love letter' with you, because maybe it's what you need to hear today too.

Hey pal,

Have you ever noticed that this time of year always brings with it the excitement of a new one? Be honest, have you started thinking about your 2014 yet? Are you going to make it Your Best Year Yet?

It's hard not to get caught up in the hype! 2014 diaries are everywhere for sale, your friends are making Christmas and New Year plans and the energy of anticipation and excitement for the coming year is in the air.

Which is great. And awesome and wonderful and I'm fist-pumping the air for you to be getting clear on your intentions and hopes for all your glorious dreams for 2014.

But before you do that, I want you to stop. Take a deep breath.Look down. Look up. Smell the air. Feel the ground under your feet. Wriggle your toes. Think about the last person you spoke to. Notice any tension in your body. Release it. Listen to the gentle sounds outside your window.

If you're eating right  now while you're reading this, stop reading. Now. Savour every mouthful and then come back.

Take a deep breath and listen to the sound of your breath as you exhale. Relax your scalp, your eyelids and your jaw. Close your eyes and let go.

Become really, really present. Where you are right now, is perfect. You are truly exactly where you are meant to be. You are doing what you are meant to be doing.

Where you have been is a path only you could have trodden and where you are going is a path only you can trail blaze.

So my trailblazer, I encourage you to ease into the hype and inspired energy as we enter the last quarter of 2013 with a hefty dose of presence, gratitude and surrender to where you are right now. Right now.

Because life is good and you are wonderful.

With love and presence,

Claire x