Nourish, Explore, Create: New Directions for This is Lifeblood [video]
It's almost 9 months since I launched This is Lifeblood into the world and with a new year approaching, a decision to stay put in Perth (for now) and more creative space (mentally and physically) in my life, I've felt a big (and exciting!) shift in the direction the blog is taking.
More me. Way more me. Way more Claire-ish.
I'm going to let the video do the talking though (quite literally!) but I would freakin' LOVE some feedback in the comments, so have a watch and let me know your thoughts!
And plus - I AM exploring a new city this year, so time for me to share more of Perth with you! And Melbourne (because I'm back and forth quite a bit) and country NSW (because that's my real home!) too.
So tell me, where in your life can you show up more as YOU? In your relationships? At work? On your own blog? Holla at me yo!
Much love,
Claire x