Sex, Spirituality, Creativity & Flow: Activating Your Sacral Chakra Interview With Rosie Rees


Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always had a strong sense of  - and deep connection to - my sexuality, spirituality and creativity. But throughout most of my life, these integral parts of my being have (in my mind) been at odds with one another: players on different teams, different worlds.

I saw this divide reflected back to me wherever I looked. Sex was obsessively glorified and worshiped in the media, yet at the same time, anyone - particularly a woman - who sought sexual satisfaction was rejected by society. To me, sex and God were polar opposites to one another. Sex was dark, chaotic and dirty and God was light, peaceful and pure.

But, oh! How far from the truth this is!!! I don't know about you, but I've spent way too many years of my life conflicted in sexual shame, whilst at the same time knowing deep in my cells that this just ain't the truth.

In one of my favourite blog posts (on the topic of Fifty Shades of Grey no less!) by author and teacher Mama Gena, she writes:

“Basically, our culture still gives women only two options: you can be a virgin, or a slut. And actually, the slut inside every woman is the real virgin. That virgin is what gets the most air-time. We parade around all day in our buttoned up corporate suits, or in sexless PTA meetings followed by Mommy and Me classes, carefully maintaining a lack of sensual aliveness in our daily lives... And when that sensual side of a woman is buried, her life force dies. Every woman longs to have her sensual side live its full, vibrant expression.

Even back then, I knew this to be true. I knew sex to be fascinating and pleasurable and expanding and healing and essential.

Couldn’t those words and feelings also describe the experience of God / Spirit / The Universe / Whatever You Want To Call It?

 Today, I can not only see the connection between sexuality and spirituality, but I can feel the fact that in their very essence, they are one and the same. Invite creativity into the mix and things start to get very, very interesting.

I mean, what is more creative than the act of sex? It is designed to create LIFE! Sex is about pleasure and play: two key pieces in the puzzle of creative living.


 In Module Four of my eCourse Wild, Well & Creative we explore the connection between sex, spirituality, money and creativity and I share my own personal experiences reconnecting back in with these energies, particularly focussing on activating the sacral chakra: the centre of relationships, creativity, emotions and sexuality. 

To take this conversation even DEEPER, my friend Rosie Rees, a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Nude Yoga Instructress (and total Goddess) and I caught up over Skype last year to chat about exploring our sacral energy and how we can activate this space. This vid is one of the bonus training videos in my eCourse, BUT: this stuff is too juicy and important not to share with everyone. So here it is, for you!

Rosie and I chat:

+ Why creativity is so much more than drawing or painting.

+ How we can channel our sexual  / creative energy, particularly when we're not using it to make babies.

+ Using yoni eggs, pleasure wands (I'm a big lover of both) plus practical and actionable tips and rituals you can begin to incorporate into your life now.

+ Exploring the feelings and emotions that we are carrying from our maternal lineage and re-connecting with ourselves.

+ Getting back in the flow, softening and returning to the feminine (some awesome tips for #bossladies who can get super stuck in the masculine!!)

+ Why Rosie believes 'the way that we make love is the way that we live our life' ... Um, YUM!

+ Our similiar past beliefs around religion, spirituality and sexuality and how we have both healed (and continue to heal) these old wounds.

+ Claiming and owning your sexual power, presence and divine feminine Goddess, sensual awesomeness. Purrrrrrrrr. 

Click here to download the MP3 file.

You are a sensual being. You are a sexual being. You are a creative being.

And if you'd like to take this sacred exploration even further, enrolments are currently open for Wild, Well & Creative until Wednesday 3 February 2016. We kick things off on Monday 8 February and you can read all the juicy details and join us right here.

As one of our members Tara shared with me:

"Wild, Well & Creative helped me in my career as I am in a very masculine role and taught me the importance of connecting into my feminine energy and embracing my sexual expression without being ashamed or afraid. It also assisted with my primary relationship, and understanding and working in partnership with men. The skills I have learnt during WWC have also helped me with coaching my clients and spreading the message to other women, which is changing so many relationships around me!"

Want more Rosie? Follow her adventures on InstagramFacebook and her blog. If you have the opportunity to get to one of her nude yoga classes, DO IT! So. Good.

And now: let's chat in the comments below. Did you find yourself nodding along to our convo? I'm keen to hear your story! As always, a big THANKS in advance if you feel called to share this post. :) 

Claire x