September Celebration 2017: thirty days of creativity & connection
I don't enjoy being the person that says, "Where is the time going, September already?!" but I am that person. It's shocking to me that it's been a full year since we had our first September celebration! And yet, SO MUCH has happened...
...I was in a relationship this time last year (and I've now deleted and re-downloaded Tinder more times than I'd care to admit! ;-) ) and Barack Obama was still the President of the United States of America. I hadn't released Adore Your Cycle yet. The world hadn't even been graced with Ed Sheeran's The Shape of You (let alone this creepy-but-perfect Teletubbies vid) and my soul-niece Fox was still in utero. Some sad and shitty things have happened this year, as have some downright miracles.
As we move into the ninth month of 2017, with new seasons beginning on either side of the world, let's bandy together and CELEBRATE by making things and sharing them with each other!! :D
SEPTEMBER CELEBRATION 2017: here's how it works!
Each day for the month of September we have a prompt to inspire creativity. You might take a photo on your smartphone, make a short video, pen a poem, draw a quick sketch, write a short story, film an interpretative dance and share that with us; all forms of expression are welcome in our creative cave!--
There’s no pressure to make anything “good” — the joy is in the capture, the expression, the tiny and magical moment of mindfulness.--
We’ll have a private Facebook group to share our images / words / whatever, with each other. This will be a totally safe, non-promotional space to connect. There might be some familiar faces in there, but hopefully you’ll meet a few new ones too. We’ll also be sharing on Instagram using the hashtag #septembercelebration17 which is a great way to find new Insty accounts to follow likeminded peeps and have others find you.--
You don’t have to play everyday and you can join in whenever you like. There’s no “failing” or “falling behind” and if you don’t feel like sharing your captured moment, that’s completely fine too.--
september celebration
Are you in? I hope so!
Your next steps are to request to join the Facebook group and I’ll see you in there. I’m over here on Instagram. You’re very welcome to share the image of prompts to recruit some pals to join you! The more the merrier.
Let's begin the last 1/3 of 2017 with some shared LOVIN'.
Claire x