She Is Radiant: Bonus "Ask Me Anything" Q&A Audio!


In the past month, as well as having lots of lovely feedback on She Is Radiant (which I've compiled together here), I've also been sent lots of questions and queries as people have made their way through the eBook. Which is awesome, because it means you're passionate and hungry for more. 

Here's the thing: I know what it's like when you're reading a book, soaking it all in and having those aha! moments. It's exciting stuff. But sometimes, you wish you could just find out a little bit more about a particular concept, ask the author a specific question, get some more guidance in an area that you really resonated with.

Which is why I am SO excited to be offering you a "Ask Me Anything Q&A" in relation to She Is Radiant. I want to know how I can help YOU get the MOST value, the most benefit and the most LOVE from this eBook.

This is how it will work.

Ask Me Anything Q&A Audio

1. All you have to do is send me an email (with She Is Radiant Q&A in the subject line) and hit me with your questions. What stumped you? What would you like me to elaborate more on? What did I not touch on, that would have helped you? What more of my own story can I share with you? Where can I be of service? Ask. Me. Anything.

2. I'll collate the questions this Friday 18th July and record an audio that specifically answers each question I've received. You'll receive this audio in your inbox. I think it's going to be really special - the power of community at its best - something you'll listen to again and again.

UPDATE: Question submissions have now closed, but you can still take home the audio. Some of the awesome questions so far include... 

+ What is the most important thing: meditation, eating healthy, exercise or sleeping well? Or are they all equal?

+ When you decided that you wanted to create an online home, how did you stop yourself comparing your idea and business with other successful business women online?

+ I am always stuck between "wanting" a relationship, and "waiting" for the perfect man to walk into my life. How long do I "wait" for and how can I retain faith that I will find that perfect person for me?

+ What if it's hard to find organic, grass-fed meat and wild fish in my area? I love some good meat and fish, but is it better not to eat it at all if it's not organic or can I eat conventional meat and fish every now and then?

+ Why honey, maple syrups etc. are better than normal sugar? Doesn't it have still same effect in your body when you eat it?

+ I am coming up against so much internal resistance (So much so that I am having trouble starting!) I want to be happy, healthy and light (body and spirit) but I can't even seem to start! I would love some extra hints and tips about how you work through times like that!

Pssssst. There's SO many, I think it's going to have to be a two part audio! :D

This bonus is only available for people who have purchased She Is Radiant, so this valuable audio won't be found here on my blog or anywhere else. We're keeping this baby in the She Is Radiant community, which I'm really stoked about. You can take her (and this audio) home for a sweet $22.

I'm SO excited to be connecting with you on this level and I cannot wait to hear how I can best serve you next. I would love for you to share this post with your pals (if sharing on social media, you can use the #sheisradiant hashtag) and I'll see you in my inbox soon!

Claire x