Claire Baker

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When status updates & iPhone snaps don't quite cut it. (I made you some art!)

I'm all for sharing experiences and moments with the world. And for me these days, that tends to be via this blog or my newsletter or social media. But when status updates and iPhone snaps don't quite cut it, there's a soft spot in my heart for painting and pasting and cutting and playing. For writing poems and taking photos on film and waiting days for them to be developed.

As Winter draws near and the days grow cold, I've switched up my routine to reflect the change in my sleeping patterns. Hence, my daily morning sweat has become an evening affair and I'm loving it. Normally one to walk with my earphones in (#podcastjunkie) I've recently taken to walking in silence. It seems one notices - and pays attention - much more this way.

And it was a few weeks ago (just after the April new moon) when I took my pup to the park to play as the sun fell. The sky quickly turned a lilac pinky-purple-y colour that no iPhone could ever capture... Even with an awesome Instagram filter! The trees looked haunted and eery, but quite majestic at the same time. An owl flew above us. The air was crisp, cold, chilling. Music drifted in from the houses we strolled along and the scent of home cooking tantalised the air.

It was a truly beautiful evening. Joy-filled. Abundant. Pleasurable. Just a simple walk - oh yes! - but it was rife with life.

Buzzing with inspiration and alive-ness, I got home and penned a poem.

Lilac skies, behind a

Black silhouette 

Of trees. I see a

Glint of the moon,

A crescent shimmer

In the darkening sky.

I didn't feel I'd quite done justice to the scene, but it was close. And even in my attempt now (almost a month later) to describe this evening, I'm falling short. I've been writing 3,000-ish words a day for my eCourse for the past fortnight and it's somewhat draining my edge to communicate with sentences on the page. Or is it?

I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is this: There are creative desires presenting themselves to me right now, that feel new and old at the same time. They are requesting my attention. I've no idea what they want or expect of me, but I'm not here to question them. And neither are you, of your own creative desires.

Which is why I made you this art. You can download the JPG here and the PDF here.

My current intention is:

I feel held and supported as I trust my creative desires and curiosities. I lean into what lights me UP.

And lean in, I shall.

I hope you do too.

Love Claire x

Ps. This painting/poem took a mere two hours to pen, paint, collage, photograph, edit... It's by no means extravagant, but that's not a requirement for expression. It cost nothing. Felt amazing. Self expression can be (and should be) easy, fun, playful, free.

So what experiences (even the most mundane of daily moments) can you recreate this week? Share with me in the comments below! It'd be great to share our ideas together in this space. And please, do share this one with your friends and followers! :) 

Claire x