The Gratitude Files: Sugar-Free Treats, Melbourne & Blog Love


Today's serve of gratitude comes to you from sunny Melbourne. Believe it peeps, the weather has been insanely good since I've been here.

Always take the weather with you hey…

 Let's do this.

Gluten, Dairy & Sugar Free Treats


Hallelujah! An Easter where I didn't feel uneasy about the amount of chocolate and cake I consumed. For a gal who avoids gluten, dairy and sugar most of the time, it is usually a holiday that ends in a very funky stomach, breakouts and generally just feeling pretty crappy.

But not this year! I made raw carrot cakes and raw chocolate (both dairy, gluten and sugar free) and gluten-free chocolate cake (not so vegan) and indulged knowing that I was actually nourishing my body, instead of filling it with processed, refined crapola. No sugar hangover, no bloat, lots of chocolate - all good things.

Kudos to the people out there blogging about all the delicious sweet treats that are free of the nasties. I think I need to get my recipe writing pants on to share the love with you all stat.


My Crazy Family


The Universe conspired to have us all together for Easter, so my sisters flew in from Canberra, Melbourne and country NSW to be with my parents and I in Perth for the long weekend. This year Easter meant beach swims, roast dinner, home made pasta, egg hunts in the backyard, bike rides and spontaneous dance offs in the kitchen to this song.

And of course we spent lots of time hanging with my brother at the rehab centre. It also meant I came home from yoga one morning to find every object in my room labelled with a post-it. We are a family of comedians. So grateful I was lumped in with this lot. A lotta love.


Seeing 111 Everywhere

I've been seeing 111 everywhere I go. It's the time, hotel rooms, prices, lengths of videos, football scores - EVERYWHERE. Which is cool. This Angel Number represents manifesting, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, self-expression, inspiration and intuition.

It means energetic gateways are opening and manifestations are a go-go. I'm feeling this vibe and paying attention.


Melbourne Town


After four months away from home, I feel incredibly grateful to have had the past week in Melbourne. I've caught up with old friends and met up with new ones. I've seriously culled my clothes and belongings (out with the old and in with the new baby) and taken on a whole new appreciation for this city. I love Melbourne. 

Collage - House Stuff

Collage - House Stuff


It's been dinner dates and dancing, breakfast catch ups, live music and pedicures. It's been long walks and long talks about life, dreams, plans and presence.

Finally meeting this life changer. Lounging in my favourite sunny spot on the couch. Being reunited with my beautiful bike, record player, food processor and pantry.




Blog Love

Anyone who follows me on Instagram or Facebook will know how I excited I was yesterday to learn that the beautiful Rachel at In Spaces Between had featured my blog on her 'Blogs to Bookmark' feature. I've followed Rach's blog for a long time and like so many others, adore every post she writes.

So after blogging for less than two months, I'm ecstatic to be featured on her site amongst so many other incredible, gorgeous and inspiring blogs.Thanks Rach! Do yourself a favour and check In Spaces Between out if you haven't yet. You can thank me later.


Drinks in Jars


Is it the transportability, the convenience, the sustainability or just the aesthetically pleasing nature of a glass jar that gets me every time? Who knows. But I'll admit it, I'm a convert. I love any type of beverage in a jar and you'll often find me downing cold smoothies, fresh juices or coconut water on the run. Screw the lid on and you're off!

Keep those jars of pasta sauce, sauerkraut, goats cheese - whatever you buy in a jar in your household and reuse them. It's a win for the environment and it's definitely a win for you.


So what are you getting your gratitude on for this week? Tell me all about it in the comments below. And if you enjoyed this post, please share the love around.