5 Tips To Get Your Blog Noticed & Attract More Clients (The Non-Smarmy Way)


I received a great email last week from a reader/past client of mine... She's a wonderful health coach and blogger (and all-round lovely human being) and was keen for some advice on how she could get her blog noticed and take things to the next level. Fab! So, I thought I'd share my tips with you too... 

She asked:

"I would like to get my name out there more, especially in the realm of being interviewed by fellow health coaches or wellbeing blogs. I'd also really like to find more clients. How do I go about doing that? What's the best way to let people know I exist, what I'm all about and drum up enough interest for them to want to feature me on their site?" 

SUCH GREAT QUESTIONS. My reply? Read below...

1. What we put out, is what we get back. What energy do you want to receive? Interviews, features and guest posts? Then start giving that same energy to others. You could create a consistent interview series on your blog where you feature other mega babes (or hunks), share great blog posts on Facebook, put a call out for guest posts etc. Give what you want to receive.

2. Do not underestimate the power of email. Yes, social media is a great way to quickly share and connect, but taking the time to send a cheery email to fellow coaches and bloggers that you admire and respect (without asking for anything in return - at least initially) is powerful, meaningful and always lovely.

Once you've built genuine rapport, don't be afraid to jump in people's inbox and ASK them if they'd be interested in featuring you. Write a list of the sites you'd like to see yourself on in the next 12 months and get cracking. Remember, you've gotta do your own PR!

NOTE: The smarmy 'Oh, and if you feature me on your site, you'll get XYZ in return' is gross and unwelcome. Gratitude and the vulnerability to just say 'Thank you!' is a far more pleasant way to operate here.


3. Get clear. Write down the number of clients you'd like to attract in the next 6 months (plus how much money you'd like to make), say a prayer, stick the number on a piece of paper in your diary/under a crystal/in your underwear drawer/somewhere safe and trust and believe that the RIGHT people for you are coming your way. And always, be realistic about how many clients you can actually work with at one time.

4. Be generous. What's a valuable and affordable way you could offer your services to your readers that's sure to grab their attention and interest? I created a super special coaching offer a year ago for $99 which included a 1hr session and 30min follow up session and it was AWESOME. I gained a whole lot of experience, testimonials and bunch of long-term clients too.

Also, give your best stuff away for free. Be consistent, thoughtful, useful, kind and REAL. 

5. Keep going. Keep blogging. Keep creating. Send your newsletter (even if you've only got a handful of people on your list - that's GREAT). Don't stop giving. Stay focussed. The more time, love and energy I pour into my blog (and my beautiful subscribers and readers), the more receptivity I find I have, and the more sign-ups.

And remember, you've totally got this lady.

There you have it, a few tips from me to get your blog noticed and attract more clients. Hit me up in the comments - what are your hot tips for expanding your audience and client base in an authentic, not-smarmy way? I'd love you to share this one around!

Claire x