Creative Spaces: De-cluttering, joy, romance and a peek inside my home.


“The highest prize we can receive for creative work is the joy of being creative. Creative effort spent for any other reason than the joy of being in that light filled space, love, God, whatever we want to call it, is lacking in integrity. . .” - Maryanne Williamson

There's been a billion-and-one reasons why the last two weeks without any social media has positively impacted my life. A few poignant ones have been:

+ More space and time. For real writing. For creating (for you). For my man. For me.

+ Joy-inspired creativity. Writing and publishing here, on the blog, without the scrambling energy of social media: to see who has commented/liked/shared... Engaging in creative work, purely for the joy of it.

+ De-cluttering. Transitioning to working full-time from home and having my sexy man move in a few months ago, has meant that things have become a little, ahhhh, congested.

Our bedroom doubles as my office (although I have been known to sprawl out on the lounge room floor between clients), and I've really noticed how much harder it has been to switch-off lately. As I'm sure the hoards of work-from-homers before me have realised, going from "work mode" to "girlfriend mode" is a tad harder when you can't just close the door on your job and leave it for the next day.

Buuuuut. Something needed to shift. 

So we spent the weekend de-cluttering, clearing, chucking and creating SPACE in our room. I really wanted to bring a tranquil, romantic energy to the space as well. For my sake, but also so Andrew doesn't feel like he's trying to woo me in my office (although the 'desk fantasy' joke has come up a few times!)

Yes, I'm totally manifesting a separate office of my own when we move next year (hallelujah!), but until then, I've also started charging my phone in the bathroom over night (instead of beside the bed) and putting my laptop, "to do's", note books and calendars away at night too - instead of plastered all over the wall! Coz I love my work, but it really ain't that romantic.

I've tried to separate the energy of my "working space" and "our space" with colours, candles photos and art. I've used more tranquil, natural tones to cultivate a sense of calm...


Of course - the other member of our "wolf pack!"


And for my "office", I really love bright colour, inspiring images and lots of white space. Without the clutter.


And, because I'm all about keeping it real, this is what it looks like under my desk right now... (Until I get my butt to the second hand store, to give it all away!)


And ahhhhh, next project: Assimilating our clothes in the wardrobe. Hehehe.


So there you have it - a peek into my home and maybe some ideas you can take into creating spaces that feel tranquil, romantic, creative, sexy, grounding: whatever feeling you want to cultivate.

I'd love to know in the comments if you enjoyed this post!

I adore sharing snippets of my creative processes and creating inspiring spaces brings so much joy. Perhaps you have some epic tips of your own? As always, feel free to share this baby with your family, friends and followers too.

Claire x