Crown Chakra Beetroot Dip


I was recently privileged enough to be asked by Jasmine Mathews of Simply Replenished to be a contributor to her new online Spring Cleanse program. Jasmine's 2 week cleanse is designed to help you detoxify your liver, lose your winter weight, improve digestion, feel lighter and brighter and step into Spring with... a spring in your step?I cannot wait to do this cleanse myself and will be keeping you updated with how I go! It kicks off on the 23rd September and there is an early bird special so if you're interested in joining me, click here. You will receive an abundance of information and support including shopping lists, meal planners, a recipe book plus a Facebook group to connect with fellow Spring Cleansers. There are some incredible contributors, including Adele from Vegie Head and Monique from Mama Chia and I am so thrilled to be apart of it.


So I thought today I would share with you one of the recipes I contributed to the program.


This beetroot dip is particularly appropriate for me right now as my crown chakra was closed during my reiki session this week. This means my connection to spirit is weak and my ability to receive guidance is limited. Because the crown chakra is purple in colour, eating purple foods can help strengthen and open this chakra. Pretty cool hey?

This dip is bright and colourful and is incredibly tasty if I do say so myself. Eat it with carrot or celery sticks, raw crackers or spread on a sandwich for some serious liver cleansing benefits.

You will need

1 medium beetroot
1 cup sunflower seeds
300mL water
2 lemons
Pinch chilli powder
Pinch Himalayan pink sea salt
1 clove of garlic


Grate lemons and reserve zest. Then juice lemons and reserve juice. (Grating lemons before juicing helps to yield more juice!)

Chop beetroot into small pieces and add to a food processor with remanding ingredients.

You will need to process on a medium speed for a few minutes. Add more water if needed to achieve desired consistency.

Serve with basil and freshly chopped carrot and celery sticks. Enjoy! 

NOTE: This makes a LOT of dip, so share this baby with friends!

So tell me, are you looking forward to a spring cleanse?