Those of us who are bloggers or blog-lovers (or both) all remember our first blog-love. Those fundamental words we devoured online that struck a chord in our souls, had us clutching our iPhones on our lunch breaks, leaning into our laptops late at night, hastily clicking on post after post, pouring over every word or story, photo or picture that created the fabrication of this major blog-love. The first blog I fell in love with was A Life of Perfect Days by the beautiful Connie Chapman. I stumbled upon Connie's blog before I really even knew what a blog was. Connie's words sparked something inside of me, no doubt. I have printed off many of her posts, highlighted and scribbled my thoughts and observations on page after page and although she is no longer actively blogging at ALOPD, I still frequent the site often. Connie is the real deal; authentic, genuine and an incredibly gifted wordsmith, let alone a massive cutie on screen. Her v-logs are adorable! She has been a huge catalyst in my own self development and blogging journey and she inspires me to continue to shed the layers and transform my life to reflect my truth. Connie now writes and offers her services as a life coach over at ConnieChapman.com and her latest project The 90 Day Transformation Project has been a huge success thus far. I had a blast doing it last year and highly recommend the program. The next round kicks off on the 11th of August if you're in need of a soulful overhaul. So without further ado, I give you Connie Chapman. I hope you find as much intuitive inspiration and soul-fire in Connie's words as I have. 


So, first things first. What is your dream?

My dream is to continue to step deeper in to the truth of who I am and share that with the world in a big way. I want to keep showing up as my most authentic self, spending each day doing what I love – creating, teaching, speaking and playing, and travelling the world while I do it!

What makes up your lifeblood? 

I am so passionate about the work I do and I feel so blessed to be able to spend every single day immersed in creative projects or working with amazing clients. I have always had such a strong inner pull to always be growing, expanding and discovering more about myself. I love nothing more than deepening my own practice and then being able to share that with people all over the world.

What has been your biggest fear to date to overcome?

Leaving behind the security of my day job to start my own business was pretty huge. There was a lot of fear around that  - fear of failing, fear of not being good enough, fear of not having money. I remember that when I made the decision I could feel all of this fear arising and swirling through my mind, but at the same time I had a calm sense of knowing that it was all going to work out. Trusting that inner knowing was what allowed me to take the leap.

Being healthy means that I…

Listen to my body. Nourish myself in whatever way I need to in that moment. Eat clean. Drink lots of green juice. Move my body in fun ways on a daily basis.Take time to turn inwards and listen.

To me, the word 'healing' means…

Hmm I used to be quite fixated on healing myself, but I have really moved away from seeing myself as someone who needs to be healed. I guess I used to feel that healing was a method of fixing what was wrong with me. Instead now I simply see it as a process of releasing everything I am not and everything that is not my truth so I can reconnect with the wholeness that always exists within me.

Where is your ultimate travel destination? 

I absolutely love LA. I don’t know what it is about that place but I feel “at home” when I am there.

What DRIVES you?

My inner calling to constantly go deeper in myself combined with a desire to really discover and live my truth. That is my fuel everyday.

Choosing love over fear means…

Choosing truth over the illusion. Remembering that you are love and anything that is not that is not the truth. [click to tweet this!]

I feel really creative when I...

Allow words to flow effortlessly from the infinite space within me and pour out on to the page.

If you could tell your 14 year old self one thing, what would it be?

I love you, and you are so so unbelievably beautiful.

Can you share with us your secret indulgence?

I have several little indulgences, but I at the moment they all seem to revolve around using coconut in any way that I can! I use coconut oil to remove make up and to moisturize my body. I love putting a dollop of coconut milk in a cup of dandelion tea. Or if I can craving a little pick me up I mix together coconut cream, cacao powder, nuts and goji berries. It forms a kid of chocolaty, crunchy mousse and it is to die for.


Connie is a life coach, speaker and writer, who is on passion-fuelled mission to empower women to connect with their heart, tap in to their intuition and discover their true selves so that they can step up shine their light and create a life they love. Connie is also the creator of  The 90 Day Transformation Project which is a comprehensive 3 month journey that takes you deep within yourself to clear out the fears, beliefs and limiting stories that have been holding you back so that you can move forward to become the happiest, most abundant version of yourself. When she is not writing, creating new programs or working with phenomenal women, you will find her sipping on green juice and chilling out on her yoga mat. Read more from Connie at conniechapman.com or connect with Connie on FacebookTwitter or  Instagram or join her on The 90 Day Transformation Project.