The Gratitude Files: Self-Employment, Friendship & Omnilux


I was going to preface this post with a little Sorry! - as it's been awhile between The Gratitude Files posts. I was going to ramble on and on about balance and focus and priorities and energy and all that jazz, but I'm not going to.

It's like when you've taken a break from journalling and you feel that need to 'catch up' with everything that has happened since you last put pen to paper and it ends up coming out all forced and bullet-pointed and just totally inauthentic and bleurgh.

So, none of that. I'm just diving straight in! Right now, in this moment, as I sit typing away in my favourite cafe, I am fizzing with gratitude for...


A few Gratitude Files posts back (in February actually), I wrote all about how grateful I was for my part time job that was supporting me whilst I was building my coaching practice. That job was just the thing I needed as my business grew and grew and I am SO excited to announce that I resigned a couple of weeks ago!

From 4 days there down to 3, 2 and then 1... To deciding to take the leap and jump into the land of self-employment, I am still unbelievably grateful for the freedom and support that job provided, but also for the courage I've found within to say yep, the time has come.


It's been an interesting ride; I've felt nervous, totally afraid, then excited, inspired and nervous all over again. There have been recurring fears, self-doubt and niggles of lack... But overall this decision is anchored in a belief in myself, my business, my CLIENTS (the most inspiring people on the freaking planet), the support I've received for my eBooks, workshops and the pure joy that I get from coaching, writing, creating and connecting with you.

So yep, this gratitude for self-employment is soaked in freedom and excitement as well as inextricably linked with overwhelming appreciation for the people I get to work with, every single person who reads this blog (YOU) and the simple fact that this lifestyle IS possible.

We can do whatever we want, whatever we love, whatever we set our hearts to and the possibilities and opportunities that exist for us (particularly for women) in 2014 (and beyond) are just mind-blowing. THAT is something to be unshakeably grateful for and I'm on my knees for this one. Bring on this Boss Lady Life! Thank you.

Friendship (Of the girly variety)

Without the diverse female friendships in my life, I would not be the woman I am today. The ones I wish I got to see more often, to the ones I see a few times a week. To the long conversations on the phone, in the park, over text, email and the ones we don't have - but don't need to.

So here's to my best friend Jess (we met when we were 4), who sends me flowers from the other side of the country when I'm feeling down, to my beautiful and cheeky friend Cint who surprised me by dropping the most deliciously wrapped soy candle at my door last week just to say 'you're awesome!', to my neighbours/soul sisters/partners in crime Em and Lacey who I feel like I've known forever (even though it's only been 18 months), to my girl Ness who has just returned from the most epic trip overseas and is changing the way women feel about their bodies.


To the beautiful Meg who is one of the most hilarious, special and considerate ladies I've had the pleasure of knowing (and drinking wine with...) For Amy, a total Godsend and Goddess. For Sal, Sallie, Emily, Bon, Bonnie, Amelia, Fairy, Dayna, Sarah, Jessica, Hannah, Marijke, Lauren, Katy, Kath, Alex, Ella, Alice, my sisters Kate, Rachel and Lauren, my Mum Jeanette, women I know mostly online (but feel like I know so well) such as Jasmine, Amelia, Alice and Rach and Tara (who I get to hug at ProBlogger NEXT WEEK), ViendaRachel, Monika, Bec, Meg, Lana... The list goes on and on (and on).

Thank you to the women I've worked with over the years, the babes from school, the friends I forget to reply to (frequently), the ones who know exactly what to say/what not to say, my clients who have become close friends, the friends I'm yet to meet and make... You're a bunch of wild women and I love you. 


My skin has been pretty clear from acne now for quite awhile, but I still have relatively oily skin and it often becomes congested around my period. I also have quite a bit of acne scarring and have been thinking about giving Omnilux LED therapy a crack for awhile now, on the recommendation from quite a few people I know who have tried it and loved it.

I won't say much more today, as I'm going to do a full write up on my experience (so far) with this treatment next week, but I have to express my gratitude here for a natural, non-invasive therapy that might be just the thing I've been waiting for to clear the last of my acne scars...

Watch this space, I've got (awfully close up) "before" photos to share with you next week... Eek! and YAY. 

That's all from me today folks, feels great to get the gratitude ball rolling again! Let's keep it moving, tell me below: WHAT ARE YOU TOTALLY STOKED ON AND THRILLED ABOUT THIS WEEK?

Love Claire x