That Voice Inside Your Head: Introducing Your Inner Critic


I’d like to introduce you to your inner critic. Actually, you’ve known each other for some time now. For so long in fact, that you might have begun to think that your inner critic is in fact, you. Let me explain.

You know that voice you hear inside your head that says things like...

“I’m not good enough for him/her”

“If I change XYZ in my life, then I’ll be happy”

“These jeans make me look enormous”

“Nothing I have to give is worth anything”

“I should have bought a house/got engaged/ saved more money by now”

“I won’t try that - I’m just going to fail anyway”

“I’ll always be in debt/overweight/a failure, so I’d better get used to it”

etc. etc.

That voice gorgeous, is not you.

How do I know this? Because you are amazing! You are a child of God and you are limitless, priceless, worthy, beautiful and radiant. And you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.

That voice you hear? She’s just your inner critic.

She developed in your psyche when you were a child, to keep you safe and protected, but you’re a beautiful, graceful, grown-up woman now and you can look after yourself.

The problem is, she’s totally misguided and not convinced - she still wants you in your comfort zone, without pushing any boundaries or going after your best life. But there’s no fun to be had there, is there?

Every time you hear your inner critic creep in, gently remind her that you appreciate her input, but you’re here to radiate life - not resist it. Send her off on a holiday somewhere, visualise her floating away, breathe deeply into your belly and repeat after me...


Because, you are. 

This post is a sneaky-peak into my upcoming eBook The She Is Radiant Toolkit: 36 Truths, Dares & Tools To Guide Your Wellness Adventure. This follow-up guide to She Is Radiant is almost here (and there is SO much nourishing, useful and playful goodness packed into her - perfect timing as Spring is in the air!), so make sure you're all signed up to my newsletter below for first dibs on early bird specials and bonus material. Check eerrrr out! Pretty hey?

UPDATE: You can find The Toolkit right here. Yay!


And tell me in the comments, how do you wade the waters of observing your inner critic? And please - feel free to share this post with your pals!

Love Claire x