Magical Mushroom, Apple & Sprout Salad


Spring is in the air baby! And I am an excited little flower as Spring time means birthdays (my own included), evening sunset walks, the fragrant smell of jasmine, skirt-weather, an excuse to dye my hair blonder (Summer IS coming) and of course, the light and cleansing food that Springs brings us.

While we may have hibernated in Winter and ate lots of stodgy, comforting food, Spring is a time for fresh new growth and renewal and it's the time of year to shed those sneaky Winter layers that may have crept on... Guilty as charged!

Therefore, it's important to eat foods that give our body an internal Spring-clean! All that energy we were storing over Winter is now available to us, so as the sun is rising earlier, so should we.

So set that alarm clock, dust off those walking shoes and give this perfect Spring time salad a go. Your insides (and energy levels) will LOVE you for it.

You will need

1 cup snow pea sprouts

1 cup mixed alfalfa sprouts

12 button mushrooms

2 celery stalks

1 medium cucumber, seeded

5 shallots

1 apple (red or green - up to you!)

1 tomato

1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped

1/2 cup fresh thyme, chopped

1 tbsp walnut oil (olive or coconut oil would work too) 

What to do

Slice cucumber, mushrooms, celery stalks, shallots and apple diagonally. Chop tomato.

Combine all ingredients and serve with fresh herbs and a drizzle of walnut oil. Enjoy!

Serves 4. 

RECIPESClaire Baker4 Comments