The Gratitude Files: My Birthday, Puppy Love & a Poem


Aren’t birthdays just the best? I’ve never understood folk who despised their birthdays and dreaded the day that is a true celebration (and anniversary) of the day they entered the world. Birthdays are a time of reflection, anticipation, family, friendships and of course, cake. And this year I indulged in all of the above.

In full disclosure, I turned the ripe old age of 27 this year. And I’m thrilled to be 27. Truly! I’m done with age-complaining. I like where I’m at with my life. Very much.

It’s taken a bit of work to get to this point though. I had my quarter-life-crisis at 25 (ie. completely lost my shit) and faced some gigantic fears. Two years ago I was terrified about not owning a home, not having a long-term partner, not having tens of thousands of dollars saved, not knowing what the hell I wanted to do with my life...

Some thorough soul-searching revealed that those things don’t really matter to me. At least not right now. Those fears still come up, but what really matters to me today is family, friendship, study, writing, travel, self expression, connection, seeking and searching. And this past year has delivered all of the above in droves.

My 27th year has been the most devastating, wonderful, eye-opening, crushing year of my life. I kicked it off with a solo retreat to Bali, followed closely by a trip to China and Hong Kong for work. Throw in a family crisis, a move to the other side of the country and a career change plus the launch of my blog, a new course of study, yoga teacher training, extended time spent as a true-blue SWF (Single White Female) and you’ve got yourself a pretty colourful, centering and cataclysmic three hundred and sixty five days.

Celebrating this past year with my family, my best friends (who flew from the other side of the country to spend it with me - bless!) and the friends I’ve made here in Perth was just magical.


I kicked off the morning at a Yoga & Creativity workshop (a 4 week series that you’ll be hearing far more about) and spent the afternoon by the beach. We spread picnic blankets on the grass, laughed and lounged around. The sun came out. We ate cake and drank champagne. I was completely and utterly spoilt - hello new iPod dock, rose quartz necklace, art prints, surfing lessons, raw chocolate, yoga books, soy candles, jewellery, flowers, herbal tea, inspiration packs...I went to sleep that night feeling like the luckiest girl in the world, with or without a 10 year plan, a mortgage or a boyfriend. *wink*

I have however fallen completely in puppy love...

I moved out of home when I was 19 and more than anything else, I have missed having pets. Yes, even more than my Mum’s cooking - sorry Mum. Growing up we had dogs, cats, chickens, fish, a turtle, a baby lamb and rats roaming around the house at various stages of my childhood. I have missed the companionship, the fun, the eternal devotion, the morning walks and the cuddles on the couch.

So you can imagine my excitement when my flatmate Matt bought a puppy 6 weeks ago! Bailey is the bees’ knees and I have truly fallen in puppy love. I can totally turn a blind eye to the toils of toilet-training when I’ve got a face-licking walking buddy with the biggest, brownest eyes in the world staring back at me at 6am. Yes, she’s an early riser.Sadly, Matty has just moved up north and has taken Bailey with him. Boo! I’m devastated that she has gone but incredibly grateful for the time we had with her and the reminder that I cannot freakin wait until I’m settled enough to have my own K9 companion. Dogs rock.

And finally, I want to finish off this post with some words I wrote on the morning of my birthday at the Yoga and Creativity workshop. After 90 minutes of asanas, dance and free-flowing movement, we sat cross-legged with our pens pressed to paper and wrote. This is what came out.

Flow. Seeking flow. Forever seeking a fluid existence.

Waves pull back and forth from the shore, carrying me effortlessly.

I am fluid, life comes to me with ease and I am blessed to have been carried here, to find myself washed upon the shore, supported and carried, forever flowing.

Here I have landed, but this too shall pass; I am forever in the flow of life. I am here, I am present, I have all that I need. And here I am. Here I am. Radiating love. Living love. Being love. Finding love wherever I land, wherever I am carried, there I go with love.

And there I flow with life. 

So that's my roundup! Tell me, what are you grateful in your life, this very moment?

And stay tuned next week because all this generous Birthday energy has got me in the mood for a giveaway...