She Is Radiant Soul Sessions: Vienda Maria on Comparison & Celebration


Aaaaand we're halfway through the She Is Radiant Soul Sessions. A video series of interviews with 5 of my favourite radiant ladies and experts in their fields. Thanks so much for being here!

Following on from Monday's  super-informative conversation on gut health with Nat Kringoudis and leaning into body love with Vanessa Millar yesterday, today we're shifting gears and chatting COMPARISON.

One of the questions I get asked a lot is 'how do you stop comparing your life to everyone else's - particularly online?' (you can actually hear my answer in the free sample of my Q&A Workshop), and so I know many of us are dying to blitz the comparison curse once and for all.When I stopped to think about who I'd LOVE to interview on this topic, Vienda Maria (maven of the gypset lifestyle, coach and creative) was the first to shimmy into my mind. To me, Vienda embodies such a unique persona and passion for authentic living, so I was dying to know whether she too suffers from comparison... Oh you're going to love this interview!


+ How Vienda deals with comparison and what it looks like for her. 

+ What her number one method is to use comparison for GOOD (hint: it's all about ACTION). 

+ What are the ways she celebrates herself and her fellow sisters (really interesting answer!!) 


What an absolutely gorgeous babe she is!! I'd love for you to let us know in the comments what stood out for you in this interview.  

In The Toolkit (which you can take home right here), I'm DARING you to come face-to-face with the way you've been comparing yourself to others and flip it around by celebrating YOU and HER. (Check out the sneak peek below!)

Or swing on over to my shop here to browse the whole She Is Radiant collection.

I'd LOVE for you to share this interview with your friends and followers and tune in tomorrow for the next instalment... ALIGNING WITH OUR VALUES. 

Ps. Get your booty over Vienda's gorgeous blog and fall in looooove with her life, travels and stories. You'll dig.