She Is Radiant Soul Sessions: Rachel MacDonald on Seeking Your Soul Sistas


Have you just loved this week? I sure have. Bringing these bangin' babes on board for some soul-shaking conversations has lit a fire in my belly!

You've been saying lovely things like...

"Such an important message!"

"Thanks so much for the video, so informative! I feel like I got a 10 minute explanation to what I thought was gonna take me much longer to comprehend or read about... Woohoo. Excited for the next one."

"Great chat ladies!! Ness you ooze passion about this topic. I love it!!"

"Claire, absolutely loved today's soul session!!! It was brilliant, insightful and enlightening! Thank you thank you!"

"Pure awesome!"

"So worth the watch."

Which makes me all happy and smiley, because my intention with this series was to bring you some value-packed, useful and inspiring 10min(ish) conversations with some of my favourite babes, on some of my favourite topics - ones that I KNOW you love to talk to about too. And today's topic? It's a question I get asked a lot - how do I find my tribe, my soul sistas? - and we have my beautiful friend, mentor and light-beam of a human, Rachel MacDonald from In Spaces Between shedding some of her light on this brilliant topic today. Rach is a life and blog coach, author and speaker and she has soooo much juicy goodness for us. Believe me. 


+ What Rachel's life looks and feels like with her soul sistas in it (so beautiful!!)

+ Why we can feel disconnected from people in our life - and how to reconnect.

+ Rachel's ultimate tips to find your tribe and start to seek out your soul sistas.


What a divine conversation. I'd love to know in the comments - how did you find your tribe?? And do give Rach a big HELLO!

Dare #34 in The Toolkit (see sneak peak below) is a bunch of rad ideas to get you seeking out your soul sistas AND loving-up the ones you've already got. Join the #sheisradiant movement and get your very own copy right here.

I'd LOVE for you to share this interview with your friends and followers and tune in tomorrow for the final instalment... WHAT HAVE VALUES GOT TO DO WITH IT?

And if you missed the first few episodes...

Nat Kringoudis on Gut Health

Vanessa Millar on Body Love

Vienda Maria on Comparison and Celebration