The She Is Radiant Manifesto: For You!


I've been trying to find a way to sum up the last 8 days in a sentence or two, maybe even a long-ish paragraph. But I can't seem to find the words to fully encapsulate the gigantic, stupendous, ENORMOUS amounts of gratitude, awe, honour and excitement that I've felt since releasing my eBook She Is Radiant last week. Seriously. Amazing. Woah.

But you know me... I'll try anyway!

So. To think that there's already over 400 people all over the world devouring this eBook, soaking her gorgeous-ness in, experimenting and implementing her content... Leaves me kinda breathless.

But here's the thing I've really taken away from this past week; this creation of mine, she's not me. She doesn't even belong to me - not really. I have been merely the messenger, the channel that has had the honour of creating something truly beautiful, useful, sexy and significant.

'Work through me' became my mantra in the final days of writing She Is Radiant and I'll tell you now, there was not only a force rippling through me in the creation process, but also in her first days out in the big, wide world. She Is Radiant has been wrapped up in a BIG, welcome hug and shared across the web in a wave of support that has floored and astonished me - YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!

So, in order to celebrate YOU - and provide a little glimpse for those who are still on the sidelines - I've got the She Is Radiant Manifesto from the book all ready for you to download, print off, save as your desktop, send to a friend... I think this page is one of my favourites from the book! It's the perfect dose of radiance-boosting words and love, from me to you.


Go get her - click through on the image above or right click here to download. 

And! If you haven't grabbed your own copy yet, I warmly invite you to join the She Is Radiant movement and dive in. I think you'll dig her.


Before I go, I must let you know that I'm compiling a post of all the beautiful feedback/love/testimonials that She Is Radiant has had over the web and social media (with a link back to blogs/social media of course!), so if you have something to add make sure you use the #sheisradiant hashtag and tag me @_clairebaker_ on Instagram and Twitter or you can send me an email at I look forward to hearing from you!! xo

Ps. Feel free (and I'd be stoked if you did) to share this post around. :)