Wellness Stuff I'm Digging Right Now (That You Need To Know About)


With the Winter Solstice behind us and the "official" middle of the year only days away, it's such a beautiful and powerful time for reflection right now. I've been doing lots of soul searching, gratitude journalling, vision boarding and intention setting for the remainder of 2014 and it feels really bloody good to add a little oomph! into this time of year.

I read somewhere recently that we shouldn't wait for New Years Eve to set resolutions when we have an entire season (Winter!) dedicated to planting seeds, tuning into our intuition and laying the foundation for an abundant and vibrant Spring. Ooohhh how I LOVE that!

So here's some wellness stuff (products, services, websites, resources, eBooks, meditations...) that I'm digging right now that might be just what you need to inspire some Winter wellness. Enjoy!

Melissa Ambrosini's meditations: Series One


I'm a BIG fan of guided meditations. But there are certainly some doozies out there and it's definitely important to find some that gel with you. The overly fluffy and super woo-woo ones tend to lose me a bit to be honest. Which is why I am digging Melissa Ambrosini's new guided meditations (on her flashy, gorgeous new website - you must look!) that are useful, specific and really easy to listen to - and get lost in.

Nat Kringoudis' new website and free eBook


Here she is! One of the women whose work, knowledge and passion had such a huge influence on my own health journey last year. I adore Nat and I'm so thrilled she has a sexy new site to continue to share her abundance of wellness wisdom. Ladies, she is our hormone health GURU. Her new eBook 'Educate Yourself' coincides with the launch of the site and whattaya know, it's FREE. Go get it.

I also highly recommend Nat's Debunking PCOS eCourse. Find it here. 

H2Coco Coconut Oil


I was so excited when a box of this landed on my desk recently! I LOVE H2Coco's Coconut Water, it is definitely one of my faves. So to discover that they are now making COCONUT OIL as well?! Bonanza. So cool. I wasn't disappointed either; the texture is super creamy, the taste is mild and fresh and my only criticism is that the jar isn't bigger! Because at the rate I go through the stuff, it didn't take me long to finish it.

Speaking of coconut oil... Can we take a moment here? I'm totally NOT going to try and be super cool and pretend like this isn't one of the raddest and most exciting things EVER, because...


I was totally quoted in The Age alongside Pete Evans last week!!!

With a circulation of over 130,000 people a day, I was pretty stoked to hear I was going to snag a paragraph in one of Australia's biggest newspapers alongside one of our most popular celebrity chefs and advocate for healthy living. Woop! And to see This is Lifeblood get a mention too - man, so blessed and honoured to be the messenger that day for these really important truths.

Moving along... 

Notox Box


I had the pleasure of trying out this simple, creative and useful service recently; a subscription to Notox box sees a delicious box of organic and natural goodies delivered to your doorstep once a month. Such a cool way to try new products, amp the motivation and inspiration and keep healthy living fresh and fun. Really dig the unique concept and the products themselves were all super high quality. A really fab idea for a gift too!

The Whole Daily's Life Transformation Project


There's no doubt that there's a whole bunch of incred eCourses floating around right now, but I really think this one stands out. Why? Because Alice Nicholls is the gal behind it, and she's as authentic, open, hilarious, switched-on and freaking gorgeous as they come. Plus, the content is potent. Alice's mantra in the course "What would someone who loves themselves do?" is a simple, yet game changing question. Keep an eye out for Friday's Heroine with Heart as I'm stoked to be featuring this lovely lady herself!

Aren't we a lucky bunch to have such awesome people creating useful, inspiring and creative content, products and services right now? I sure think so. Tell me in the comments, what wellness tips or tricks, people or products have you discovered recently? Let's share! (Oh, and please do share this post around!)