The Blood Type Diet & Roasted Carrot, Cauliflower & Ginger Soup with Toasted Walnuts


Could our blood type influence what we can and cannot eat? Well, I certainly think so.

Dr. Peter D'Adamo, author of Eat Right For Your Type has built his controversial diet on the premise that our genetically inherited blood type influences the chemical reaction that occurs when we eat food. As a result, some foods are more genetically suited to certain blood types and as blood types have evolved over the years, so have the types of food that humans consume. Different parts of the world have different blood types. Different parts of the world eat different foods. Evolution. It's all very interesting.

The diet doesn't just stop at food though, it also extends to what kind of exercise best suits you, what type of personality traits you may or may not have and what diseases you could be predisposed to.

To me, it makes sense. But I don't think it's the be all and end all. Rather, I think it's a great tool to be used in conjunction with conscious eating habits. By this I mean listening to your body; what is one man's trash is another man's treasure. What feeds you ideally might not sit so well with me. What foods work for YOU?

Here's a brief rundown on the different types...

Type O: Strong, self-reliant and goal-oriented. Likes intense physical exercise such as running or aerobics. Strong immune system but low tolerance for new diets and new environments. Risk for inflammation, arthritis and ulcers but less chance for cancer. Diet profile suited to red meat, vegetables and fruit and avoidance of all grains and dairy.

Type A: Cooperative, sensitive and settled. Adapts well to change but a more vulnerable immune system and sensitive digestive tract. Likes calming and centring exercises such as yoga or tai chi. Risk for heart disease, cancer and Type 1 diabetes. Diet profile suited to vegetarian or vegan with a mix of vegetables, grains, beans and fruit.

Type B: Nomadic, flexible and creative. Likes moderate exercise with a mental balance such as hiking or swimming. Strong immune and nervous systems with no natural weakness. Risk for Type 1 diabetes, auto-immune disorders and rare viruses. Diet profile suited to omnivorous including meat, dairy, grains, vegetables, beans and fruit.

Type AB: Rare, mysterious and highly sensitive. Likes a combination of calming and moderate exercise. Most adaptable type, designed for modern life with the combined benefits of A and B. Sensitive digestive tract and risk of heart disease, cancer and anemia. Diet profile suited to a mixed diet of meat, seafood, dairy, beans, grains, vegetables and fruit.

Does this make sense to you and your body?

When I first heard about the Eat Right For Your Type diet I was about 14 and my best friend's Mum was well into the swing of it. I didn't really understand the premise behind it all back then, but I do remember reading that as I was an O blood type, I was more inclined to eat red meat and susceptible to wheat intolerance. Which made sense to me, as I crave meat often and unless I want to feel like I am 7 months pregnant, I avoid wheat at all costs.

I also remember my friend's Mum making the most delicious carrot and ginger soup from the recipe section of the book, which I have recreated often over the years. So now whenever I think of the diet I think of meat and ginger and carrot soup! This is my current version, with the addition of cauliflower (because I am obsessed with it at the moment) and toasted walnuts to add a crunchy, nutty factor.

NOTE: I actually forgot to add the walnuts to the soup before I photographed it - oops! So you'll need to use your imagination here. And don't leave them out, they make the soup something special!

Roasted Carrot, Cauliflower and Ginger Soup with Toasted Walnuts

You will need

6 medium carrots
1/2 head cauliflower
4 stalks celery
5 shallots, sliced
1/2 cup ginger, grated
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1/3 cup walnuts
2 tbsp coconut oil
500ml water or vegetable stock 

What to do

To toast walnuts:
In a frying pan on medium heat, toast walnuts in 1 tsp coconut oil for a few minutes or until lightly browned. Reserve.

To make soup:
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Chop carrots, cauliflower and celery coarsely and coat in coconut oil.
Spread vegetables out on baking tray and roast for 25 minutes or until cauliflower begins to brown.
Meanwhile, in a frying pan on medium heat, sauté ginger, garlic and shallots in 1 tsp coconut oil for 5 minutes or until softened.
Combine the roasted vegetables, water (or stock) and sautéed ginger mixture in a large saucepan and blend with a stick blender or transfer to a high-powered blender in batches.
Top soup with toasted walnuts and enjoy!

Serves 4 

Have you tried eating for your blood type before? Let me know in the comments!