Tasty Tomato & Coconut Beef Curry


Today's recipe for Tasty Tomato & Coconut Beef Curry is one of my favourite go-to meals for when I need a warming, grounding dose of red meat, good fats and great veg.

You know, I find a lot of people presume I'm vegan or vegetarian. Not so. I gave the whole vegetarian thang a whirl once, but I'm an omnivore through and through. My body functions best with some meat in my diet.

Now today is not the day to delve into the depths of the 'which meat is best to eat' conversation (I'll save that for my upcoming eBook), but if it's local, organic and the animal has had a good and fair life (ie. been fed its natural and normal diet and had freedom to move and play), then slap that steak on my plate!

One of the reasons that I don't have a lot of meat-y recipes on the blog is that most of my dinners (the meal I'll usually eat meat) are pretty basic and not very pretty and not really Blog Post Worthy. Think a grilled chicken breast with roasted vegetables. Pork cutlets with a simple salad. Fresh fish and sweet potato wedges.

But screw that type of thinking. I've decided to share more of my meatier dishes, as simple and easy is swell, right?!

So, go on. Spend the late afternoon preparing this bad-boy and let the aromas waft throughout the house. It's even better the next day, as curries tend to be. The tomato and coconut work SO well together and they pack a powerful, flavoursome and nourishing punch. Mmmmm.

You will need

500g organic rump steak, cut into chunks
200g can organic tomatoes
200g can coconut cream (make sure it's 100% coconut - no added sugar!)
1 medium sweet potato, cut into chunks
1/2 medium pumpkin, cut into chunks
300g baby spinach
1 brown onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chilli powder
2 tbsp butter, coconut oil or ghee

What to do

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter/oil over a medium heat. Throw in the spices, onion and garlic and cook for a few minutes. It will smell amazing right about now!

Add the steak to the saucepan and allow to brown, before throwing in all the remaining ingredients (except the baby spinach) and giving it a BIG stir.

Bring the mixture to the boil, before turning to a low-medium heat, pop the lid on and allow to simmer for 30-45min or until the vegetables are soft.

Now's the time to mix through the baby spinach and serve the curry up with some chopped coriander and natural yoghurt, if you like. Enjoy!

NOTE: I don't eat a lot of rice or bread, so I normally just have this curry on its own or with some lightly steamed broccolini.

So what do you think? Would you like to see some more meat-friendly recipes on the blog? I'd love to know your thoughts in the comments!