Here's what's happening in 2018!


"Some years are for questions, others for answers."— I saw this on my friend Lucy's Instagram feed the other day and loved it. Another way of putting this is that some years are for the inner work, and others are for the external manifestation of that inner work.

2017, for me, has felt like a year of questions and inner work. 

I invested heavily and happily in my professional expertise this year, circling (with a big red marker) in on my belief in the power of menstruality, and expanding my capacity to facilitate spaces in which women can reclaim their full wellness, true creativity, spiritual connection and sacred sovereignty, through menstrual cycle awareness. 

And when I peer into 2018, I can see so very clearly the first external manifestations. I'm excited to share these with you! If you've been thinking about working with me 1:1, taking one of my classes or courses, coming along to a workshop or even a RETREAT, then here's what I have in store for you in 2018 (for the first half anyway!)


Cycle Love Retreat in Daylesford, VIC, Australia

YOU WANT — to devote to the sacred nature of your cycle over an immersive weekend in gorgeous natural surroundings. You’re craving time with other likeminded women, and feel ready to explore the next level of intimacy with the power of your menstrual cycle.


After two years in the UK, I'm visiting Australia to run my first retreat in gorgeous Daylesford, VIC! The Cycle Love Retreat is my most in-depth teaching on a woman's cycle; the limitations of the online world fall away when we are sitting in circle together, face-to-face, being fully heard and seen. You’ll feast on organic fare, sit and be heard in circle by other women, and begin the next chapter in your journey of wellbeing, wisdom, creativity, and womanhood. There are currently six places left!


FLOW: Your Guide To Journaling Your Menstrual Cycle

YOU WANT — to learn how to better understand the sacred rhythm of your cycle in the delight of your own home, but like the idea of feeling supported via online chats and a new tribe of women to connect with.

I’m teaching the next round of FLOW fromMonday 8th January 2018 and the course runs for six weeks. This will be the very last time I hold weekly Q&A's with this popular online program. You'll learn how to journal your cycle, via comprehensive lessons, audio journaling prompts for each day of your cycle, and weekly live (recorded!) calls.


"Oh my gosh, since completing your amazing FLOW course I’ve continued to journal and track my cycle with the moon and things make so much sense to me now; fluctuating energy levels, when I’m more anxious, when creativity is at its highest, how I feel at different times... Thank you for unlocking all of this Claire!"— LJ Sparrey


Alchemy Sacred Coaching Immersion


YOU WANT — to reflect on your year and set clear intentions for 2018, in a safe and sacred space. A one-off session without longterm commitment.

In our two-hour ALCHEMY 1:1 sacred coaching immersion, we'll travel together into a space of reflection on your 2017 and vision into your 2018. We'll drop into the intuitive feminine to give shape to the goal-oriented masculine. It'll be the next best thing to sitting across from each other, sprawled out on sheepskins, palo santing burning, soft tunes playing, pulling cards and eating chocolate (in fact, I'll send you some pre-session information on how you can create a sacred space in your home pre-session; I'll be doing the same on my end!)

There are currently just 3 spaces remaining for January 2018 sessions. Split payment available. 


The Heartful Biz Summer School

YOU WANT — to pick my brains on online business and get not only the behind-the-scenes know how, but encouragement and guidance on how you can create and grow a heart-centred business.

(*Summer for those in the southern hemisphere, but also timely for a wintery business retreat at home…)

My very popular co-creation with Vienda Maria is running live again over the 5th and 6th of January 2018. This is a two-day online workshop for those who want to run an online business that's both meaningful and profitable. It includes hours of video lessons, workbooks, audio pep talks, and a fresh new group of classmates to connect with!


"I'd been stuck on one product for two months before the workshop, and after, I was able to finish it in one week. I've picked up practices I haven't touched for a few years and made them central parts of my daily routine (like running to Amazon to order Frankincense and Sage!). I feel inspired (like, bursting with ideas) and excited about the future of my business. The biggest gift has been permission to invite creativity back into my process, by stepping away from the computer and getting crafty with my approach. Vienda and Claire are born facilitators — a true power duo. " Hayley Richardson


2018 Cycle Workshops


YOU WANT — to learn more about the natural rhythm and power of your cycle, in person, held in a supportive circle of women. I've got two dates locked in for early 2018, with a few more TBC very soon.

Brighton, UK. Sunday 7th January 12 - 3.30pm. Clarity, Creativity & The Female Cycle. With my dear friend Sophie Cleere, we'll be exploring how you can use your cycle to express your creativity and support what you want to bring forth in 2018. Book your spot here!

Oslo, Norway. Sunday 11th February 2 - 6pm. Adore Your Cycle. Learning to flow with the natural rhythm of your menstrual cycle isn’t something many have been taught to do. Learn how to live in alignment with your natural ebb and flow. Book your spot here!

London, UK. Early spring 2018 - TBC.

Perth, Australia. May 2018 - TBC.

One-to-One Coaching

YOU WANT — intimate support from someone who can take you deep into the intersection of your creativity, self-care, your cycle, feminine spiritual practice and leadership potential, and hold space for you as you awaken these parts of yourself.

I am a certified holistic health coach trained in menstruality, and 2018 will be my sixth year of supporting women on a one-to-one coaching basis. I’m taking on new clients now from February 2018 onwards for either 3 or 6 month partnerships. I love working with women who have big big work to do in this world, and know the power of having a supportive ally in that process of pursuing their creative and spiritual path.

>>> BOOK FOR 2018 COACHING <<<

or email me to learn more.

"I am actually AMAZED by Claire's ability to work in such an intuitive & caring way, whilst at the same time inspiring you to rise up and take aligned action. Three months ago I was overwhelmed with this huge dream and now I feel completely in 'flow' with it all & can see it all unfolding! Claire holds an incredibly safe space for you to explore how you want your life to feel. I feel ridiculously lucky to have been mentored by her & couldn't recommend her more highly to others." — Amanda Hill 


Online Business Mentoring

YOU WANT — more intimate support and accountability in the next evolution of your online business, and have already been in business for yourself for 1 - 3 years. You’re a self-motivated business owner, ready to do the work, interested in how you can sync your business with your menstrual cycle, and feel aligned with the kind of work that I do in the world. 

Every 6 months I take on a handful of clients on a one-to-one mentoring relationship over Skype and email, focussing solely on online business. In February 2018 I will accept 4 new women into this program and next year I’m really looking forward to supporting women who are particularly interested in aligning their business with their cycle.


“Claire is a master at active listening, asking powerful questions, and empowering you to make changes that align with who and where you want to be. I have put in place steps that not only make me feel more in tune with my body, but also amplify my desire for more creativity, play, learning, and self exploration. I would recommend Claire to anyone who is looking to make positive change in their business or life.” — Naomi Arnold


Menstrual Medicine Circle (MMC) Session

YOU WANT — to identify the points in your cycle that are in need of some TLC, as well as the points that can fuel this repair. You'd like to explore the vast healing capacity of your menstrual cycle. In November 2017 I had the honour of being apart of Red School's pilot training group of their Menstrual Medicine Circle (MMC) process. The MMC is truly groundbreaking, and it has the potential to reveal much cyclic wisdom. I'll soon be officially certified to facilitate this powerful process, so stay tuned... Join my email community to be the first to hear more!

What else is happening in 2018?

  • My book club will be congregating online, as ever!

  • I'll be doing weekly-ish live teachings in my Adore Your Cycle Facebook group.

  • Cycle updates will be back on Instagram stories; I plan on focussing on a specific topic (ie. food, spiritual practice, sexuality, creativity etc.) for each cycle.

  • And why yes, there are ideas floating for new online courses, a potential podcast, continuing momentum on seeing my first book published, and more live workshops and retreats in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

And that my friends is the current forecast for the first half of 2018!

I really cannot wait to connect with you either online in one of my courses or groups, or in person at a workshop or retreat, perhaps even just in the pages of an eBook or in the land of social media.

THANK YOU for being apart of this growing community, whether you've been here for five years, five months, or five days. I see you, I hear you, I value you.

Let me know in the comments: how can I best serve you in 2018? I welcome any suggestions with glee! I'm here to serve, after all. And have a bloody good time in the process. ;-)


Claire x